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Off-Campus Housing

Thinking about having a party?

The Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) devotes special attention to the campus area in an effort to reduce complaints of disorderly conduct and other violations. To reduce complaints, maintain order and protect the well-being of individuals, MPD would like to inform students of the following fines that may be incurred as a result of your actions. Please be reminded that officers will aggressively enforce the ordinances, and CITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED!

Property owners will be notified of violations occurring on their property. Future violations may result in the property owner being assessed administrative and enforcement fees, which may ultimately jeopardize residency arrangements.

Loud parties


Disorderly Conduct $185
Public Drinking $134
Possession of Alcohol by Minor $185/311/437/689
Sale of Alcohol to Underage Prohibited $363/500/689/1301
Contributing to Delinquency of a Minor $171
Permit Consumption of Alcohol by Minor $363/500/689/1301
Noise Nuisances $292
Obstructing a Police Officer
(giving false information)

This list is not exhaustive, and fine amounts are subject to change.

It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, barter or give away in the city any intoxicating liquors or fermented malt beverages without having obtained a license as provided in Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Chapter 90.

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Housing Forms & Contracts

Budgets, roommate contracts, etc.

University Apartments