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News from Marquette Today

Mission Week 2015: Daily Reflection

Each day of Mission Week, a member of the Marquette community will offer a reflection to echo the theme of Mission Week 2015, “Who Cares? Charity, Justice, and the Common Good.”

“Who Cares? Charity, Justice, and the Common Good,” is a theme that resonates with the very core of our being human. The very first dwelling of a sentient being is a nurturing place which (generally) enables the goodness in each of us to carry through as we walk the earth and cross paths with others. Thus a reflection on a theme such as this necessitates a deliberate rethinking of what it means to be human. If our very first “moments” of existence are defined by a compassionate and largely selfless interaction with an “other,” why should the rest of our existence be any different? Sadly, the compassionate experience at the start of life does not continue for most of us. However, there are those who realize that it actually does continue in how we care for others.

Reflecting on their wisdom may help us see the world differently and impel us to act. Furthermore, we are transformed by the caring we offer to others; in the ultimate sense caring is a selfish act, one which includes all others as part of the self. Being a person of faith makes this notion even harder to ignore; the Qur’an deems it an imperative to consider the welfare of others (maslaha – the common good) prior to any action. Each time the Qur’an invites the reader to remember the Caring, the Compassionate God (as in five daily prayers) it adds the injunction to give alms (zakat) which is owed to those who are in need.

Conclusion: the inner self cares, if only I can convince the outer self to consider…

Irfan A. Omar
Associate Professor
Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Last day to donate to RHA's Mission Week 2015 food drive

See today's schedule of events.

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