Media Kit

This page contains resources for your stories on Marquette University. Here you will find university facts, logos and logo guidelines, a photo of Marquette President Kimo Ah Yun, and campus images.

Marquette Logos

Marquette Logo

Marquette Logo

Marquette Logo




The Marquette University logo, complete with the Be The Difference tagline, is the official university signature. It should be used prominently on promotional materials, including publications, advertising and electronic media. Using the Marquette logo in a consistent manner is vital to communicating Marquette's identity.

Marquette Images

Click on each to open a larger version for download

Headshot of Marquette President Kimo Ah Yun

The Marquette University Board of Trustees unanimously elected Provost Kimo Ah Yun to serve as the university’s 25th president. President Ah Yun, who previously served as provost, joined Marquette in 2016 as dean of the Diederich College of Communication. He was named acting provost in 2018 and permanent provost in 2019.

More Information on President Kimo Ah Yun

Dr. Kimo Ah Yun








Campus Images

Marquette Campus - Joan of Arc ChapelSt. Joan of Arc Chapel The St. Joan of Arc Chapel is the heart of the Marquette University campus. It is a place of community, especially in times of joy and sorrow. It has been the site of emotional candlelit vigils and of political protests. It draws people of all backgrounds and faiths. The Chapel hosts regular Masses that often test the capacity of the diminutive structure.

More information on St. Joan of Arc Chapel








Marquette Campus - Marquette HallMarquette Hall






Marquette Campus - Wisconsin Ave.Wisconsin Ave.








Marquette Campus - Wisconsin Ave.Johnston Hall