Marquette College of Nursing focuses on topic of grief in virtual Wake Lecture, Nov. 9

Nov. 3, 2022

Dr. Mary-Frances O'connorMILWAUKEE — Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor, associate professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, will discuss “Grief and Grieving Through a Multi-Disciplinary Lens” at Marquette’s 2022 Wake Lecture on Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

The virtual lecture is hosted by the Marquette College of Nursing’s Institute for Palliative and End of Life Care. Registration for the free, public lecture is available online

O’Connor directs the Grief, Loss and Social Stress (GLASS) Laboratory at the University of Arizona and is the author of the recently published book, “The Grieving Brain.” 

In her presentation, O’Connor will share how she is using an integrative view of psychology, neuroscience and immunology to curate findings that are profoundly impacting the multi-disciplinary field of bereavement research and shaping its development. Her talk will culminate in addressing personal and clinical considerations that participants can integrate into their own circumstances and roles. 

The event will also feature a panel discussion with Dr. Timothy Melchert, professor of counselor education and counseling psychology in the College of Education, and Maria Keegan, telehealth clinical educator in the College of Nursing. The professors will share insights around grief and grieving from their perspectives. 

In addition to the virtual webinar, the campus community is invited to participate in a Grief and Loss Healing Ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 10, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the AMU’s Monaghan Ballrooms. 

People experienced a wide variety of losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. To facilitate individual and collective healing, the College of Nursing welcomes you to participate in an interfaith, multicultural healing ceremony featuring poetry, music, readings and prayers as well as opportunities for self-reflection and sharing. It will be followed by a reception with healing foods. 

Find more information about the ceremony and register online.

These events are in memory of James Wake, late husband of former Marquette Provost Dr. Madeline Wake. James Wake’s career was devoted to helping others through social work and chaplaincy.

About Melissa Barclay

Melissa Barclay

Melissa is the senior communication specialist in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Melissa at (414) 288-6712 or