Marquette University’s annual Marburg Lecture to be delivered Oct. 15

Oct. 6, 2021

Dr. Matthew JacksonMILWAUKEE - Dr. Matthew Jackson, William D. Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University, will deliver the annual Marburg Memorial Lecture on Friday, Oct. 15, at 3 p.m. at Marquette’s Alumni Memorial Union, 1442 W. Wisconsin Ave.

The topic for this year’s lecture is “The Dynamics of Social Networks and Homophily: Implications for Inequality and Economic Mobility.” The lecture is hosted by the Department of Economics in the College of Business Administration and open to members of the general public at no cost; registration is required and is available online.

Jackson is a leading scholar in the fields of game theory, microeconomic theory and the study of social and economic networks. He has published many articles in these fields, as well as two books: “The Human Network” and “Social and Economic Networks.” He also serves as an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute, a nonprofit research institute devoted to the multidisciplinary study of complex systems.

The Marburg Lecture series is named in honor of the late Theodore F. Marburg, a long-time member of the Department of Economics. The goal of the lecture is to provide a forum for the discussion of moral, philosophical, and social dimensions of economic issues, as well as continue Professor Marburg's commitment to the economic aspects of peace and justice. The Marburg Lecture is made possible by the generosity of the Marburg family and through the support of the Center for Global and Economic Studies.

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or