Policy advocate and professor to deliver Kellstadt Lecture in marketing, Feb. 6

Feb. 4, 2020

Dr. Timothy WuMILWAUKEE — Dr. Timothy Wu, Julius Silver Professor of Law, Science and Technology at Columbia University Law School, will present “The Techlash: How the Platforms Gained Power and How They May Lose It” at the College of Business Administration’s annual Charles H. Kellstadt Lecture on Thursday, Feb. 6, at noon in the Lubar Center at Marquette University Law School’s Eckstein Hall.

Wu is an author, policy advocate and professor at Columbia Law School. His best-known work is the development of Net Neutrality theory, but he also writes about private power, free speech, copyright and antitrust. His books, The Master Switch and The Attention Merchants, have won wide recognition and awards.

Online registration is available for this free, public event. Media wishing to attend should contact Kevin Conway at kevin.m.conway@marquette.edu.

Wu has worked in academia and federal and state governments, including at the White House for the National Economic Council, at the Federal Trade Commission, for the New York Attorney General, as a fellow at Google, and for Riverstone Networks in the telecommunications industry. He is also a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times and was formerly a contributing writer at NewYorker.com and contributing editor at the New Republic.

The Kellstadt Lecture is an endowed marketing speaker series. Previous lectures have been presented by Michelle Morris, vice president of global marketing solutions for Facebook and Paul DePodesta, chief strategy officer for the Cleveland Browns.

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or kevin.m.conway@marquette.edu