Marquette, UW-Madison help Sen. Baldwin win 2020 ‘Champion of Science’ award from The Science Coalition

Feb. 13, 2020

Award recognizes unwavering support for fundamental scientific research investment

Sen. Tammy BaldwinMILWAUKEE — United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin was recently named a 2020 Champion of Science by The Science Coalition, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of more than 50 of the nation’s leading public and private research institutions dedicated to highlighting the partnerships between the federal government and America’s research universities. The award honors members of Congress whose actions and votes consistently reflect their commitment to fundamental science through funding investment for federal research agencies.

Sen. Baldwin was nominated for this award in a joint effort between Marquette University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, two members of TSC. Her support of fundamental scientific research as a leader on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation has been greatly appreciated by members of the scientific and higher education communities, including at Marquette and UW-Madison.

“Marquette University appreciates Senator Baldwin’s support of federal investment in fundamental science research,” said Dr. Jeanne Hossenlopp, vice president for research and innovation. “Through her actions in the Senate, she has shown dedication to working across the aisle on behalf of fundamental scientific research. Her support is instrumental in ensuring continued innovation in this country.”

Since 1999, more than 100 members of Congress have been recognized with the Champion of Science Award for their efforts to secure federal funding for fundamental scientific research – through their voting records, bill sponsorships, letters of support, or other activities aimed at boosting scientific discovery. Awardees were selected both for their support of research institutions and their tireless efforts to ensure fundamental scientific advancement across all disciplines.

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or