Media advisory: Halloween story ideas from Marquette University

Oct. 27, 2020

fall at marquetteMILWAUKEE — With Halloween just around the corner, Marquette University is offering some story ideas to help with coverage plans. Stories range from the holiday amid the coronavirus pandemic, to more traditional Halloween-related story ideas about candy and more.

  • Dr. Felicia Miller, associate professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration, explains how Halloween is being reimagined during the pandemic with things like virtual costume parties, indoor trick-or-treating, scavenger hunts and more. Email her at
  • Dr. Brian D. Hodgson, pediatric dentist and associate professor in the Marquette University School of Dentistry, shares the worst candies for children’s teeth. Email him at
  • Dr. Christopher Simenz, clinical professor of exercise science in the College of Health Sciences, shares how much one would have to exercise to burn off just a few pieces of candy. Email him at

For more information on these stories or any other Halloween stories, please contact Shelby Williamson at or (262) 441-0516.

About Shelby Williamson

Shelby Williamson

Shelby is a senior communication specialist in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Shelby at (414) 288-6712 or