Advisory: Marquette community using technology to adapt to social-distancing measures

March 25, 2020

Madonna Della Strada Chapel in Zilber HallMILWAUKEE — Marquette University values its community and, with limited students, faculty and staff on campus, that community has had to make the transition online. While navigating distance learning and remote working environments, Marquette has made sure to use innovation and technology to remain connected.

  • Marquette and other schools around the country have moved learning into a remote environment. That environment at Marquette extends into student services, as it is now offering online tutoring sessions through Microsoft Teams.
  • Recruiting for next year is also being done virtually, as Marquette’s admissions team has started scheduling virtual meetings and tours.
  • Students at Marquette Law School jumped right into remote pro bono legal services. With the cancellation of in-person legal aid at the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic, students are now working with attorneys by email to craft written answers to questions posted by low-income people all over the state on Wisconsin’s Free Legal Answers
  • Marquette Athletics is helping children pass the time and instilling Golden Eagle pride with activities courtesy of its Marquette Kids Club Coloring pages, mazes, photo hunts, jersey designs, connect the dots and crossword puzzles are available—all with the appropriate Marquette theme.
  • Jim Voiss, S.J., vice president for mission and ministry, celebrated Mass by himself on March 22. The Mass was livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram from the Madonna Della Strada Chapel in Zilber Hall and viewed more than 1,700 times. Campus Ministry continues to investigate additional ways to keep people connected to worship digitally. A schedule of Campus Ministry online events can be found on the Mission at Marquette Facebook page.

Media interested in covering these or any other programs at Marquette University should contact Kevin Conway in the Office of Marketing and Communication at

Note: Marquette will exercise best practices in social distancing for all media interviews to protect the health, safety and well-being of our university community and our partners in the media. Interviews will be done remotely via Skype or a similar mutually agreed upon technology; b-roll footage may be captured on a limited basis and in close coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communication.

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or