Former lawmakers to go ‘On the Issues’ for virtual bipartisan conversation on redistricting, Oct. 13
Oct. 12, 2020
MILWAUKEE — Former State Sens. Tim Cullen and Dale Schultz will be featured guests for a bipartisan conversation on revising redistricting in an upcoming virtual “On the Issues with Mike Gousha,” Tuesday, Oct. 13. The video will be available at 12:15 p.m. on the Marquette University Law School website.
Next year, state legislators will draw new legislative maps for Wisconsin, a process carried out every 10 years. Cullen, a Democrat from Janesville, and Schultz, a Republican who represented Richland Center, are two proponents of changing the state’s approach to redistricting, which has become a partisan issue in Wisconsin.
Earlier this year, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers announced the formation of a nonpartisan People’s Maps Commission, which will draw its own set of proposed maps. The new commission is beginning to hold public listening sessions, but questions whether the commission is indeed nonpartisan have already been raised. Lawmakers also assert that the commission’s work is essentially meaningless since the legislature has constitutional authority to draw the maps. So, will the new effort really change anything?
The virtual “On the Issues” is available to members of the general public.
Through public programming such as the Marquette Law School Poll, debates featuring candidates in significant political races, Gousha’s “On the Issues” conversations with newsmakers, public lectures by leading scholars, conferences on significant issues of public importance and the work of its Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education, the Law School serves as the region’s leading venue for serious civil discourse about law and public policy matters.
About Kevin Conway
Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or