Faculty experts available for Super Bowl stories

Jan. 22, 2020

Marquette football alum George AndrieMILWAUKEE — With Super Bowl LIV approaching on Feb. 2, several members of the Marquette University faculty are available for coverage on the big day.

Whether it’s the cultural phenomenon of the Super Bowl or the economic impact of hosting the game in Miami, Marquette faculty have you covered.

  • Super Bowl in pop culture: One of the most watched programs on television, countless people will tune in to the Super Bowl who normally don’t watch a single other football game. Dr. James South, professor of philosophy and pop culture expert, can explore some of the social and cultural factors that draw people into the game. Email him at james.south@marquette.edu
  • Sports marketing: What commercials will be the most talked about Super Bowl Sunday? Are they effective? Does a Super Bowl win translate into endorsements for members of the winning team? Email Dr. Jim Pokrywczynski, associate professor of strategic communication, at james.pokro@marquette.edu.
  • Economic impact: Walter Melnik, assistant professor of economics, can discuss the economic impact hosting the Super Bowl can have on cities like Miami, as well as Kansas City and San Francisco. Email him at walter.melnik@marquette.edu.
  • Sports law: Matt Mitten, executive director of the National Sports Law Institute, is available for sports law questions surrounding trademarks, professional sports, football and the Super Bowl. Email him at matt.mitten@marquette.edu.
  • Player injuries: For injuries to key players and their likelihood to rebound for the Super Bowl, Dr. Chris Simenz, clinical professor of exercise science, can provide background on types of injuries, as well as expected recovery timetables. Email him at christopher.simenz@marquette.edu.

For more information on these stories or any other Super Bowl-related stories, please contact Kevin Conway at kevin.m.conway@marquette.edu or Shelby Williamson at shelby.williamson@marquette.edu.

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or kevin.m.conway@marquette.edu