Advisory: Marquette faculty experts and stories surrounding Easter

April 8, 2020

St. Joan of Arc Chapel in the SpringMILWAUKEE — Despite the obstacles thrown our way by the coronavirus and social distancing measures, people across the world will be celebrating Easter this weekend.

Marquette University has made preparations to celebrate with the campus community through virtual services, while faculty available to provide expert commentary for your coverage.

Virtual services

Marquette Campus Ministry will be offering virtual liturgies this weekend in celebration of Easter, including a virtual Stations of the Cross and a live-streamed Easter Sunday Mass. Both events will be available to view via Facebook Live.

  • Derrick Witherington, assistant director of Campus Ministry for liturgical programs, will hold Stations of the Cross from his home at 3 p.m. on Good Friday.
  • On Easter Sunday, Mass will be streamed from the O’Brien Jesuit Residence at 9 a.m.


Dr. Felicia Miller, chair and professor of marketing, is available to discuss traditional retail patterns and marketing around the Easter holiday, as well as anticipated differences due to the coronavirus. Miller is available for interviews over Skype or the phone and can be reached at

Easter candy

Dr. Brian Hodgson, associate professor of dentistry, is an expert in pediatric dentistry and can discuss the impact Easter candy has on children’s teeth and the worst Easter candy for teeth. He is available for interviews over Skype or the phone and can be reached at

Modern Easter traditions

The origins of Good Friday and Easter are well known. If you are wondering where the Easter Bunny comes in, Dr. James South, associate dean for faculty in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, is available to discuss modern U.S. Easter traditions such as the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs. He is available for phone interviews and can be reached at

For more information on these stories or any other Easter holiday-related stories, please contact Kevin Conway at or Shelby Williamson at

About Kevin Conway

Kevin Conway

Kevin is the associate director for university communication in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Kevin at (414) 288-4745 or