
All in the Marquette University community are invited to engage in the Ignatian Year. Please consider integrating the resources below into curriculum, events, programs, etc. of which you are a part, or use for reference in learning more about the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Ignatian Spirituality and Jesuit Education.

Just as St. Ignatius' well-known prayer states, "You have given all to me. To you, Lord I return it," we ask that the Marquette community consider how you can share in and contribute to the celebration.

Ignatian Spirituality emphasizes the uniqueness of what we each bring to the table in our backgrounds and experiences, cultures, talents, knowledge and skills, and it reminds us to use these for the greater glory of God, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

For a collection of Ignatian Year events in the Milwaukee area, visit the Commemorating the Ignatian Year with the Milwaukee Apostolate Facebook page. 

Now available, our Ignatian Year toolkit!

ignatian journey from boston college