Be transformed.
Sometimes life fires an event at us that hits like a cannonball. We feel hopeless. Like the legs beneath us have been shattered — and nothing is left to hold us up.
What if, in these desolate times, we called to the light instead of staying in darkness? What if we understood it as our opportunity for a new direction? As our call to take personal responsibility and make things better?
A lost job becomes a revitalized career. A failed dream results in newfound strength and resilience. The sorrow of tragedy is channeled into positive action. A global pandemic creates a world where simple human connection has profound meaning.
When cannonballs hit, we can lean on the grace of God. We can embrace God’s invitation to let ourselves be guided. We can be reborn in the aftermath, find purpose in what comes next and harness our cannonballs into a force for good.
None of us can change what happens to us. But we can choose to let our cannonball moments change us for the better. We can let them transform us, and through us, our world — and everyone in it — can be transformed.
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