  • Dean's Office Directory

    William E. Cullinan, Ph.D. William E. Cullinan, Ph.D. Professor and Dean of the College of Health Sciences
    william.cullinan@marquette.edu (414) 288-5053
    Michelle  Schuh Michelle Schuh Assistant Dean
    michelle.schuh@marquette.edu (414) 288-5053
    Barbara  Burja Barbara Burja Records Coordinator
    barbara.burja@marquette.edu (414) 288-6633
    Angela  Frey Angela Frey Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
    angela.frey@marquette.edu (414) 288-0656
    Laurie  Goll Laurie Goll Pre-health Professions Advisor
    laurie.goll@marquette.edu (414) 288-6574
    Jennifer  Klump Jennifer Klump Director of Student Success and Recruitment
    jennifer.klump@marquette.edu (414) 288-2193
    Alex Nemec Marketing Communication Specialist
    alexander.nemec@marquette.edu (414) 288-3386
    Michelle  Raclawski Michelle Raclawski Director of Academic Business Affairs
    michelle.raclawski@marquette.edu (414) 288-1436
    Schroeder Complex