Engineering Hall

Engineering Hall

Where better to learn engineering than a masterpiece of engineering? Designed entirely around the needs of the student, Engineering Hall is designated as one of the most innovative places to experience engineering. Engineering Hall's five floors are each dedicated to solving complex problems and answering questions that we are faced with today and will face in the future. 

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Lower Level: Efficient energy and safe roads and infrastructure

Visualization Lab (Room 028)

Engine Testing Lab (Room 014)

Thermal Fluids Lab (Room 041) 

Engineering Materials and Structural Testing Lab (Room 061) 

First Floor: Student-centered learning

Discovery Learning Lab (Rooms 113, 121, 128, 167)

Machine Design Lab (Room 161) 

Second Floor: Nanoscale devices, sensors and controls

Advanced Microsystems Lab (Rooms 218, 220) 

Nano Devices Lab (Room 277) 

Materials Characterization and Failure Analysis Lab (Room 230) 

Werner Sustainable Energy Lab (Room 262)

Third Floor: Human performance

Biomechanics Design Lab (Room 318)

Bioelectronics Lab (Room 322) and Biocomputing Lab (Room 328) 

Human Performance Lab (Room 336)

Fourth Floor: Water quality, robotics, and combustion

Water Quality Center (Room 435) 

Dynamics Controls Lab (Room 461) 

Heterogeneous Combustion and Computational Combustion Lab (Room 470) 

Omron Advanced Automation Lab (Room 471)