Graduate Program Assessment Plan
Information on the assessment process for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering's graduate programs
Each of the three graduate programs administered by the department (thesis M.S., non-thesis M.S., Ph.D.) has an associated Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) assessment plan document, which outlines expected performance indicators, measurement techniques and responsible parties. The department also utilizes three assessment rubrics to judge the quality of thesis and dissertation presentations.
The Director of Graduate Studies is responsible for collecting the required information annually and putting the information together into an annual assessment report. The report summarizes the relevant data and makes appropriate observations and recommendations regarding the success of the department’s graduate programs in achieving the expected learning outcomes for its students. The report is distributed to the graduate committee and the department chairperson, who meet annually to discuss the recommendations and decide on any program, course or assessment process changes that are needed to better implement the department’s programs or better accomplish the department’s educational mission.
The following measures are used to assess the department’s overall success in achieving desired Program Learning Outcomes:
Oral communication, written communication and research strength rubrics
Student scores in EECE 6010 and EECE 6020
Results of Written Qualifying Examination
Number of conference presentations given by students
Number of conference publications and journal publications by students
Graduate student survey
Employer survey (employers of part-time M.S. students attending through corporate tuition reimbursement programs)