Marquette Explorer Program

The Marquette Explorer Program is a concurrent dual-enrollment program offered by Marquette University for partner high school students. Explorer program credentials high school instructors to teach Marquette undergraduate courses at the high school. The program offers qualified high school students who have demonstrated dedication, ability, and motivation the opportunity to begin taking college level courses while they are still in high school.

Dual-enrollment Programs are growing exponentially in popularity among high school students, both domestically and internationally. A few advantages of the Marquette Explorer Program are:

Explorer Program FAQs 


Explorer Dual Enrollment High School Partners

  • Catholic Central High School
  • Catholic Memorial High School
  • Divine Savior Holy Angles High School
  • Dominican High School
  • St. John's Northwestern Academies
  • St. Joseph Catholic Academy


Course offering

A list of courses Marquette has offered to partner high schools as Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment courses. 

Click to expand/view course list table



If you are a high school who is interested in partnering with Marquette University for dual enrollment courses, please email Yao Andrew or call 414-288-5195.