Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about OYM Admissions/Application

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Do I need to apply to Marquette before applying to OYM?

Yes. Applications to On Your Marq will only be accepted once an admission to Marquette is given. Once you receive an official Marquette University acceptance, you can submit your application to On Your Marq.

More information on how to apply to Marquette can be found on the undergraduate admissions website.

What is the deadline for OYM applications?

The priority deadline is February 1, 2025.

However we will still accept applications for Fall 2025 on a rolling basis until the program reaches capacity.

Does OYM operate on rolling admission?

Yes. Please keep in mind that the OYM priority deadline is February 1st, 2025. However, we will still accept applications for Fall 2025 after the priority deadline on a rolling basis until the program reaches capacity.

What do I need to do to complete my application to OYM?

Please see the Application Checklist to make sure you have completed all the necessary forms. Once you have sent in your application, you will receive a confirmation email that your application has been received. If you do not receive an email within 2 weeks of sending it, please send us an email at

Can OYM help me get into Marquette?

No. You must apply and be accepted to Marquette before applying to OYM.

When will I know if I am officially accepted into the OYM program?

You will know within 2 to 3 weeks of your interview date.

How does OYM Determine Admission to the program? 

Admission to OYM is based on the program acceptance rubric which takes the following into account:  

  • Student commitment/engagement   
  • Likelihood of academic fit  
  • Student openness to feedback/learning   
  • Level of independence skills, or the willingness to learn.   
  • Emotion regulation capacity  
  • Management of co-occurring conditions
  • Academic Rigor 
  • Grades
  • ACT/SAT scores if submitted
  • Interview Score


General FAQ about OYM

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What does it cost? How can I pay for it?
   Does financial aid through Marquette cover the cost of OYM?

The cost of the program is $4,000 per semester. Marquette financial aid will not cover the cost of this program, however, 529 savings plan funds can cover the cost. We do operate with a sliding scale fee. We highly recommend that you look into outside funding sources to help cover the cost of the program including Vocational Rehabilitation and IRIS. 

What are the required program services? 

Required elements include weekly executive functioning meetings, weekly mental health sessions, weekly seminar (for the first 3 semesters only), and regular check ins with your peer mentor.

What is the difference between OYM and Disability Services?

Though On Your Marq is a program under the Office of Disability Services, OYM is a voluntary-participation program for Neurodivergent students specifically that provides supports geared towards bolstering student success beyond traditional accommodations. The Office of Disability Services works with students with many different medical and mental-health diagnoses (including Neurodivergent students) to explore, approve, and coordinate accommodations under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students may choose to interact with either, or both offices. Many will choose both.

How long do students usually stay in the program? 

OYM is designed to support students throughout their time at Marquette. Our supports grow with the student starting with supporting their transition to University, and evolving into supporting them into their transition to the workplace. This happens across all aspects of our programing. 

I want to set up an information session and tour for the OYM program; how should I do that?

Request a visit here.

I'm a current Marquette student, how can I get involved in OYM?

If you are a Marquette undergraduate student, consider applying to be a Peer Mentor. 

If you are a student looking to complete an internship or practicum for credit hours, please reach out to Emily Raclaw, OYM Director, to discuss the opportunity.

How can I support OYM?

If you would like to make a donation to support the work that On Your Marq does at Marquette you may do so here. 

If you are a professional looking to get involved, please reach out to Emily Raclaw, OYM Director, to discuss the opportunity.

I have other questions that are not answered on the website; who should I talk to?

Please feel free to give us a call at (414) 288-0070 or send us an email at