January 2025: Job Fair

All scholars and co-PI Yu Keyang attended the SFS Job Fair in Washington DC. The CyberWIN program was presented on a poster at the Job Fair.

December 2024: First Graduate!

Congratulations to Marine Bruno! She has successfully graduated from the SFS CyberWIN program. First graduate!! 

October 2024: Events and Competitions

CyberWIN had a booth at the SysLogic MKE Cybersecurity Summit. Thank you to everyone who stopped by! 

The scholars participated in several competitions: National Cyber League, Wisconsin Governor's HTB competition, WI Gov Cybersecurity Summit.

Summer 2024: Internships and Second Cohort!

The second cohort of three students has been accepted to CyberWIN. The first cohort scholars fulfilled their internship obligation during the summer months.

April 2024: Cybersecurity Conversations

Alex Gebhard, PhD candidate presented “Examining the Security of the CIP and OPC UA Industrial Protocols” .

March 2024: Cybersecurity Conversations

The presentation “Data Pipelining and SIEM Strategy for Cyber Defense” by Mr. Julian Singkham, Rockwell Automation Engineer , was received with interest from the scholars and others.

January 2024: Job fair in Washington DC

The scholars and co-PI Dr. Tom Kaczmarek traveled to Washington DC to participate at the SFS Job Fair.

November 2023: Cyberforce Competition

CyberWIN scholars measured their knowledge at the Department of Energy CyberForce 2023 competition.

October 12, 2023: Scholar's Poster at ICNP 2023

Alex Gebhard, a CyberWIN scholar, presented his research poster titled "Measuring Adoption of SPF, DMARC, and CAA DNS Records with Nonfederal Governments in the United States" at the 31st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2023) in Reykjavik, Iceland. Graphs of the measurements can be found here. You can see the raw files collected for a specific government domain by typing the following at your own browser:<domain>

August 2023: Our First Cohort Begins!

We are delighted to welcome our first ever CyberWIN scholars!

April-May 2023: NSA Learning Sessions

Marquette University has signed an Educational Partnership Agreement with the National Security Agency (NSA). Marquette students had the opportunity to attend two virtual sessions led by an NSA expert on software reverse engineering with Ghidra.

April 13, 2023: Untapped AI - Next Frontiers

CyberWIN PI, Dr. Perouli, participated on a panel about "Fair & Ethical AI". The talk was part of the Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute's (NMDSI) inaugural symposium.

April 3, 2023: Dakota State University SFS PIs Visit

We had the priviledge to host at Marquette Drs. Mike Ham and Kyle Cronin, who are the PIs of the Scholarship for Service (SFS) program at Dakota State Univeristy (DSU). As part of their visit, Dr. Ham spoke during our Computer Science department's colloquium about the SFS program at DSU.

March 30-31, 2023: CypherCon

Wisconsin's largest hacker's conference, CypherCon, returned to Milwaukee for its 6th iteration. More than 50 Marquette students attended the event. Andrew Paullin, a Marquette Masters student in the Information Assurance and Cyber Defense specialization, spoke on the importance of team-based cybersecurity tournaments.   

January 2023: Marquette University receives the CyberWIN award!

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Drs. Debbie Perouli, Keke Chen, and Tom Kaczmarek a $2.6 million grant under the CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program. For more, please consult the NSF award information and the corresponding Marquette news story.

award ceremony photoThe award ceremony in Washington, D.C. was attended by (from left to right):

  • - Dr. Keith Holtermann, Chief Learning Officer at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), 
  • - Dr. Edward Blumenthal, Associate Dean for Faculty, Research, and Graduate Studies in the Klinger Colleges of Arts and Sciences at Marquette University,
  • - Dr. Suzanne Nielsen, Deputy Assistant National Cyber Director for Workforce, Education, and Training , Office of the National Cyber Director, Executive Office of the President,
  • - Dr. James L. Moore III, Assistant Director for STEM Education, National Science Foundation (NSF), 
  • - Dr. Debbie Perouli, Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Marquette University and CyberWIN PI,
  • - Dr. Tom Kaczmarek, DIrector of Center for Cyber Security Awareness and Cyber Defense at Marquette University and CyberWIN co-PI,
  • - Mr. Rob Shriver, Deputy Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).