Finding an Internship
Earning Internship Credit
Handshake - Online Career Platform
Sensenbrenner Hall, 103
1103 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7059
Regardless of whether your internship is paid or unpaid, you may have the opportunity to earn credit for your internship experience. The College of Arts and Sciences offers several course options for earning credit.
ARSC 3987 Career Ready Internship is a 3-credit ARSC upper division elective credit course offered in the fall and spring semesters. Students with summer internships may be eligible to take the ARSC 3987 course in fall in order to receive credit for their summer internship.
Secure an internship either on your own, or set up a meeting with the our office to talk about finding internship opportunities that qualify for academic credit
Several academic departments within the College of Arts and Sciences offer internship courses as well. See below for the majors that offer internship courses.
Be sure to contact the internship coordinator for your major or your advisor for specific course sequence requirements.
Multidisciplinary Internship Program
Internship Coordinator: Wendy Volz Daniels
ANTH 3986 |
Internship in Anthropology |
3 cr. |
Field experience in a community social service agency for the purpose of furthering the student's integration of theory and practice in a professional setting. Placement is for a minimum of 140 hours per semester under the supervision of agency personnel, and includes a weekly seminar with the internship coordinator. S/U grade assessment. Limited enrollment. Prereq: Sr. stndg., ANTH major, and cons. of internship coordinator. |
Arts and Sciences (General Elective)
Arts and Sciences Internship Office
ARSC 3987 |
Career Ready Internship with Professional Development Seminar |
3 cr. |
A career preparation experience in an organization (e.g. corporation, community social service agency, non-profit organization) designed to apply and integrate the theory and practice of an ARSC education in a professional setting. Must have completed ARSC 3986 in the previous term or have a concurrent placement in an approved internship position for a minimum of 140 hours per semester. Internships are performed under the supervision of organization personnel and College internship coordinator. Includes a weekly career preparedness and professional development seminar. May be taken only once. Prereq: Jr. stndg., ARSC 3986 or cons. of instr.; and preapproval of internship placement and cons. of internship coordinator. |
Internships in Biology and Environmental Studies
Internship Program Coordinator: Dr. Rosemary Stuart
BIOL 4987 |
Applying the Internship Experience |
3 cr. |
A weekly seminar that follows the completion of a full-time or part-time internship experience. Students reflect on and share the skills and knowledge that they have gained during their internship experience through presentations, case studies and mentoring. In addition, students present their internship projects to a broader audience of students and faculty in the format of a scientific poster and hone their scientific and technical writing skills through collaborative revision of their final work reports. Prereq: BIOL 3986 or BIOL 3987, and cons. of internship coordinator. |
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science Program Director: Dr. Corinne Bloch-Mullins
INCG 3986 |
Internship in Cognitive Science |
3 cr. |
Gain professional experience in cognitive science or one of the specific disciplines it encompasses for the purpose of furthering the student's integration of theory and practice in a professional setting. Placement is for a minimum of 140 hours per semester under the supervision of agency personnel. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: Jr. stndg., INCG major, and cons. of internship coordinator. |
Computer Science
Internship Coordinator: Dr. Praveen Madiraju
COSC 4988 |
Co-op Grading Period |
1 cr. |
Grading for preceding co-op work assignment is accomplished by completing a report on the work assignment, a report on academic material related to the work assignment and other materials as required. Grading is completed during the school term following the work assignment. May be taken more than once, but a maximum of 2 credits may be counted toward a major in the department. Prereq: Jr. stndg. and COSC 4987. |
Criminology and Law Studies
Multidisciplinary Internship Program
Internship Coordinator: Wendy Volz Daniels
CRLS 3986 |
Internship and Seminar in Criminology and Law Studies. |
3 cr. |
Field experience in a community social service agency for the purpose of furthering the student's integration of theory and practice in a professional setting. Placement is for a minimum of 140 hours per semester under the supervision of agency personnel, and includes a weekly seminar with the internship coordinator. S/U grade assessment. Limited enrollment. Prereq: Sr. stndg., CRLS major and cons. of internship coordinator. |
ECON 4986 |
Economics Internship - Grading Period |
3 cr. |
S/U grade assessment. Prereq: ECON 3986, cons. of prog. dir. and cons. of Business Career Center. |
Dr. B. Pladek, Dr. Liz Angeli, Dr. Jenn Fishman
ENGL 4986 |
Writing Internship |
3 cr. |
On-the-job experience as writer and/or editor for a local agency; supervised by the agency and by English faculty. Although course is graded S/U, it counts toward the major or minor. May be taken only once. Guidelines and forms available in English department office. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: ENGL 1001 or HOPR 1955H. |
Environmental Studies
Internships in Biology and Environmental Studies
Internship Program Coordinator: Dr. Rosemary Stuart
INES 4987 |
Environmental Studies: Applying the Internship Experience |
3 cr. |
A weekly seminar course that follows the completion of a full-time or part-time internship experience. Students reflect on and share the skills and knowledge that they have gained during their internship experience through presentations, case studies and mentoring. In addition, students present their internship projects to a broader audience of students and faculty in the format of a scientific poster and hone their scientific and technical writing skills through collaborative revision of their final work reports. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: INES 3986 or INES 3987 and cons. of internship coordinator. |
Internship Coordinator: Dr. Patrick Mullins
HIST 4986 |
Internship in History |
1-3 cr. |
Professional experience outside of the classroom in public history (details below), editorial, teaching, public service, research, or digital humanities. Students must arrange the internship in consultation with the department chair or designate. Students work three hours per week per credit hour and submit an annotated time sheet and a 3-5 page reflection paper on the work experience at the end of the term. Note: Students with an Interdisciplinary Minor in Public History must complete a 3-credit Internship in History at an archive, art or history museum, historical society or other approved institution. Students must arrange the internship in consultation with the department chair or designate and complete an internship agreement. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: Cons. of dept. ch. or designate. |
International Affairs
Les Aspin Center for Government
Associate Director and Internship Coordinator: Dr. Karen Hoffman
POSC 4986 |
Internship in Political Science |
3 cr. |
Practical learning experience in politics through the Les Aspin Program. Evaluation will require the student to relate the experience to literature on the subject. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: POSC 2201; admitted to the Les Aspin Center for Government program. |
POSC 4987 |
Internships as Field Experience |
3 cr. |
For students who are completing or have just completed an internship. Through readings, discussions, and assignments, students develop analytical skills and acquire thematic knowledge complementary to the practical experiences of the internship. Specific topics vary by semester, depending on the class composition. Prereq: POSC 2201 or 2401 or 2061; or Jr. stndg. |
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
MATH 4988 |
Co-op Grading Period |
1 cr. |
Grading for preceding co-op work assignment is accomplished by completing a report on the work assignment, a report on academic material related to the work assignment, and other materials as required. Grading is completed during the school term following the work assignment. May be taken more than once, but a maximum of two credits may be counted toward a major in the department. Prereq: Jr. stndg. and MATH 4987. |
Internship Coordinator: Dr. Tim Tharp
PHYS 4989 |
Applied Physics Immersion Experience 1 - Grading Period |
1 cr. |
Full-time co-op or internship grading period. Grading for preceding co-op work assignment is accomplished by completing a report on the work assignment, a report on academic material related to the work assignment, and other materials, as required. Grading is completed during the school term following the work assignment. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: PHYS 3989. |
Political Science
Les Aspin Center for Government
Associate Director and Internship Coordinator: Dr. Karen Hoffman
POSC 4986 |
Internship in Political Science |
3 cr. |
Practical learning experience in politics through the Les Aspin Program. Evaluation will require the student to relate the experience to literature on the subject. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: POSC 2201; admitted to the Les Aspin Center for Government program. |
POSC 4987 |
Internships as Field Experience |
3 cr. |
For students who are completing or have just completed an internship. Through readings, discussions, and assignments, students develop analytical skills and acquire thematic knowledge complementary to the practical experiences of the internship. Specific topics vary by semester, depending on the class composition. Prereq: POSC 2201 or 2401 or 2061; or Jr. stndg. |
Internship Coordinators: Dr. Ed de St. Aubin and Dr. Stephen Saunders
PSYC 4964 |
Field Experience in Psychology |
3 cr. |
Placement in a specially selected applied setting in which the student has the opportunity to observe psychological knowledge, skills, and values demonstrated in one or more professional roles. Requires supervision in the setting and direction by the course instructor. Accompanied by seminar with readings, journals and reflections, presentations a term paper and demonstrated knowledge of appropriate ethical principles. Prereq: Sr. stndg., psychology major, and cons. of dept. ch. |
Multidisciplinary Internship Program
Internship Coordinator: Wendy Volz Daniels
SOCI 3986 |
Internship and Seminar in Sociology |
3 cr. |
Field experience in a community social service agency for the purpose of furthering the student's integration of theory and practice in a professional setting. Placement is for a minimum of 140 hours per semester under the supervision of agency personnel and includes a weekly seminar with the internship coordinator. S/U grade assessment. Prereq: Sr. stndg., SOCI major, cons. of internship coordinator. Limited enrollment. |
Social Welfare and Justice
Multidisciplinary Internship Program
Internship Coordinator: Wendy Volz Daniels
SOWJ 3986 |
Internship in Social Welfare and Justice |
3 cr. |
Field experience in a community social service agency for the purpose of furthering the student's integration of theory and practice in a professional setting. Placement is for a minimum of 140 hours per semester under the supervision of agency personnel, and includes a weekly seminar with the internship coordinator. S/U grade assessment. Limited enrollment. Prereq: Sr. stndg., SOWJ major, and cons. of internship coordinator. |
THEO 3986 |
Internship in Theology |
3 cr. |
Practical learning to provide an intentional experience of pastoral service and leadership in a ministry-related setting. Students will apply the theology, concepts, and skills learned in the classroom by integrating study with pastoral praxis at an approved site and developing competencies in the areas of pastoral theology and ministry. Requires a commitment of a minimum of 10 hours per week at an approved site during the academic term and attendance at a group seminar. Students must have declared a major or a minor in Theology, completed at least 3 courses (9 cr.) in Theology and have a minimum 3.000 cum. GPA to be eligible. The student must complete an application for the internship. Selection is based on academic credentials, extracurricular experience, and a written essay. May be taken only once. Grade is determined by seminar participation, written work, evaluation of work performance at the student's site, and a final assignment. S/U grade assessment. Limited enrollment. Prereq: Jr. stndg., and consent of instructor. |
Finding an Internship
Earning Internship Credit
Handshake - Online Career Platform
Sensenbrenner Hall, 103
1103 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7059
Klingler College of Arts & Sciences
Sensenbrenner Hall, 103
1103 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-7059
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