Student Organization Training Tracker

Academic Year 2023-2024 Training Tracking.

Updated 1/25/2024. Note that organizations are in alphabetical order, inluding articles (a, an, the) as part of the title. For example "The Golden Eagle Fan Club" would appear with the organizations whose names start with "T".

Past Trainings

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 Spring 2024 Trainings


  • Conducting elections: 2/19 AMU 252 @ 5-5:45pm
  • Refining and Delivering your Mission: 2/20 AMU 254 @ 5-6pm
  • Fundraising: 2/19 AMU 252 @ 6p-7p + 2/27 Marquette Hall 100 @ 6-7pm
  • Topic TBD: 2/23 AMU 163 @ 5-6pm
  • Refining and Delivering your Mission:  2/27 Marquette Hall 100 @ 5-6pm
  • Elections and Transitioning Officers: 2/28 AMU 227 @ 5-6pm

Spring Wellness Leadership Retreat

March 2, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sensenbrenner Hall room 304
Counts for two trainings!

Amazing Faiths Dinner

All students are invited to the inaugural Amazing Faith Dinner from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the AMU Lunda Room on Monday, Feb. 19, hosted by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee in partnership with Campus Ministry. 

This event is a great opportunity for students to connect across religious affiliations, reflect on their life’s experiences and how faith has been a part of their journey, learn more about the faith experiences of others, and enjoy great community over a free meal.  

Counts for 2 trainings.

Email proof you attended to along with a short reflection on the event.

Marquette Civic Dialogues

The Marquette Civic Dialogues Program works to foster deliberation about the pressing issues facing our world today, prepare students to be citizens with purpose, and advance scholarship on civic dialogue. Through our programming and research, we encourage students to "Be the Difference" by engaging differences in political thought and lived experience. 

See the schedule.

If an officer attends one of these, get proof of attendance and submit that via email with a note that outlines what organization you reprsent, what Civic Dialogue you attended, and how it impacted you/what you learned.

Additional Opportunities 

We also recognize that leadership development takes place through organizational engagement in service, conferences, and other educational programming. If your organization has done some internal training, attended a conference, or participated in service, please contact the student organizations team in an email with the following:

  1. Name of training, conference, or service
  2. Date(s) and who participated.
  3. Short paragraph on what participants learned and how their leadership skills were impacted (e.g. what do you now understand better, how have you grown, how have you used new skills or plan to use new skills/knowledge).

Fall 2023 Trainings

Monday, 11/6/2023

Timeline of Organizations

8-9pm | AMU 163

Work/School Balance

9-10pm | AMU 1

Tuesday, 11/07/2023

Transitions (in your student organization)

6-7pm | AMU 305

Diversity and Inclusion

7-8pm | AMU 305

Monday, 11/13/2023

Timeline of Organizations

8-9pm | AMU 163

Tuesday, 11/14/2023

Time Managment

5-6pm | AMU 380

Wednesday, 11/15/2023


6-7pm | AMU 313

Diversity and Inclusion

8-9pm | AMU 313

Thursday, 11/16/2023

Time Management

5-6pm | AMU 157

Monday, 11/20/23

Work/School Balance

6-7pm | AMU 163

Event Planning

Monday, September 25, 2023 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Information on how to register your event, how to book space, available space, policies, etc. Sodexo will showcase their new student catering guide.

Olson Leadership Institute

Oct. 7, 2023. 8:30-11:30 a.m., AMU Ballrooms. Includes hot breakfast!
Registration is now closed. If you have interest, please email Dr. Jen Reid.

Empathy Experience

Oct. 5, 2023, 12:30-4pm Molson Coors.
Meet in AMU 111. Transportation and lunch provided. Limited to 12 seats.


While Lifesavers trainings were held in spring, not all orgs were able to attend, and so we've scheduled three additional trainings this fall. You should only sign up if you did not attend in spring. Sessions are as follows:

  • Wednesday, October 25 4:00-5:30 PM, AMU (room 254)
  • Thursday, October 26 4:00-5:30 PM, AMU (room 157)
  • Sunday, October 29 4:00-5:30 PM, AMU (room 157)

Fall 2022 Org Officer Info Sessions