Create an Undergraduate Student Organization

Step 1: Complete the Student Organization Request to Organize Form

The Student Organization Request to Organize Form may be found on the MARQUEE student organization platform under the Forms tab or access the form here.

Submit the form on MARQUEE. Contact AMU Student Engagement Services if you experience any issues with submitting the form.

Step 2: Gather Electronic Signatures of Interested Students

After you have submitted the form, AMU Student Engagement Services will contact you with instructions on how to gain the electronic signatures of at least five (5) other students that are also interested in creating the organization. This will also take place through the MARQUEE platform.

Please note the semesterly deadlines below regarding when our process ends each semester.

Step 3: Meet with AMU Student Engagement Services

After your deadline for gathering electronic signatures, AMU Student Engagement Services will arrange a meeting with you to discuss plans for your organization, and to review the approval timeline. This includes, but is not limited to creating an organization constitution and securing an advisor for the organization (a faculty or staff member that works for the University).

Please note that organizations who are tied to an academic college, have an affiliation to a national/regional organization, or are classified as a graduate organization must secure an advisor. These kinds of organizations will not be allowed to have a final approval meeting without securing an advisor for the organization. (Note also: Advisors are highly recommended for all student organizations.)

Click Here for Model Constitution Example

Step 4: Organizational Approval

In order to gain full recognition, your organization must receive approval from AMU Student Engagement Services. Additional campus departments may also be part of the approval depending upon the nature of the organization.

After your organization has been approved, all new organizations will be required to attend a training to acquaint the group with all relevant student organization policies, procedures, and campus resources.


This process/form is only available from October of the fall semester to February of the spring semester.