Create a New Graduate Student Organization

Download a flowchart of the process.

Step 1: Complete the Student Organization Request to Organize Form.

The Student Organization Request to Organize Form may be found on the MARQUEE student organization platform under the Forms tab or access the form here.

Submit the form on MARQUEE. Contact AMU Student Engagement Services if you experience any issues with submitting the form.

NOTE: If your organization will be tied to a particular program or college (e.g. Department of Philosophy, College of Communication), speak to the appropriate faculty or staff in that department regarding your wanting to form a student organization.

Step 2: Gather electronic signatures and secure a faculty/staff advisor.

After you have submitted the form, AMU Student Engagement Services will contact you with instructions on how to gain the electronic signatures of at least five (5) other students that are also interested in creating the organization. This will also take place through the MARQUEE platform.

Please note the semesterly deadlines below regarding when our process ends each semester.

Step 3: Craft your constitution.

Use this template.

Step 4: Organization Approval

Your constitution will be reviewed by Graduate Student Success Team. If there are suggetsed edits to your constitution, you will be contacted.

Once constitution is approved, your request will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Student Development-Grad School for final approval. The Graduate Student Organization will be notified of your recognition. An organization will be created for you in MARQUEE (Presence). You will need at least three officers.

Step 5: Familiarize yourself with student organization policies and protocols.


This process/form is only available from October of the fall semester to February of the spring semester.