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What We Do
Contemplatives in Action for the 21st Century
The CfAH seeks to enact our core values through commitment to the following three pillars:
- Equipping students for a journey of growth and self-discovery - Educating students is not a transactional exchange of content. Educating students is a reciprocal and shared quest for meaning and purpose.
- Accompanying the marginalized - Promoting social justice is not a hobby or side project. Promoting social justice is about building genuine solidarity with the oppressed and seeking authentic social change.
- Caring for our Common Home - Caring for our Common Home is not marketing slogans or gimmicks. Caring for our Common Home means revisioning our relation to the biosphere and refusing to participate in everyday forms of ecological exploitation.
Paradigm of Reciprocity
To live our core pillars, the center enacts four categories of programs that correspond with the above goals.
- Humanities Education – learning how to think
- Community Engagement – building relationships
- Humanities Research – engaging complex problems
- Programs: Humanities Research Colloquium
- Applied Humanities – enacting change