Your guide to study abroad

                              NEW! Rolling admissions for study abroad programs

Applications will be reviewed once submitted until a program is full, or the final study abroad application deadline (whichever comes first)* -
October 1 (for spring/j session), November 15 (spring break), & March 1 (for summer/fall)
*Deadlines can vary by program. Please check the individual program page to confirm deadline.

Events & Opportunities

The study abroad experience

The hills in Santorini, Greece

Study Abroad FAQ

Learn how to take your Marquette education global.

griffin car

Follow us @marquetteglobal

Daily updates and study abroad experiences on our Instagram from current students and alumni.

Student facing a crowd, wearing a Marquette sweatshirt

An open letter to parents

So, your son or daughter wants to study abroad.

Sibanye Cape Town Program

Marquette University's flagship study abroad program in Cape Town, South Africa.

Sibanye Cape Town: Community Learning

Marquette's Sibanye Cape Town Program enables students to put their education to work through interning with a community-based partner organization two days a week during the semester.