- Theology Department, Marquette University, Coughlin Hall, 209
P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-7649 - webpage:
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- Curriculum Vitae
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- Publications
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Academic Degrees:
- Doctor of Philosophy, Marquette University, 2003. Religious Studies. Dissertation: From Patriarch to the Youth: The Metatron Tradition in 2 Enoch. Dissertation Director: Prof. Deirdre Dempsey
- Master of Divinity, Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX), 1997.
- Master of Arts, Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX), 1995. New Testament.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), 1990. Sociology.
- Master of Arts, Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), 1986. Journalism. magna cum laude.
Academic Employment:
- Professor. Marquette University, 2012-Present.
- Associate Professor. Marquette University, 2009-2012.
- Assistant Professor. Marquette University, 2004-2009.
- Teaching Fellow. Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI), 2003-2004.
- John P. Raynor Fellow. Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI), 2002-2003.
- Teaching Assistant. Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI), 1998-2002.
- Adjunct Professor. Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX), 1993-1997.
- Research Assistant to the Dean. Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX), 1991-1997.
- Senior Research Fellow. Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow, Russia), 1990-1991.
The Enoch-Metatron
Tradition (TSAJ, 107; Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005), pp.
xii+383. $175.00. ISBN 3-16-148544-0.
To view the table of contents, click here.
To download 'Introduction' in .pdf format, click here.
- Archivo Teologico Granadino 68 (2005) 321 (Jose Vilchez)
- Internationale Zeitschriftenschau 51 (2004/05) 1402.
- New Testament Abstracts 50 (2006) 1.219.
- Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 86 (2006) 406-407 (Ch. Grappe)
- Zion 71 (2006) 404.
- Salesianum 68 (2006) 596-597 (Rafael Vicent)
- The Studia Philonica Annual 18 (2006) (Michael Stone)
- The Expository Times 117 (2006) 344 (Kevin Sullivan)
- Mystical Politics (Rebecca Lesses)
- Vigiliae Christianae 60 (2006) 247-248 (Johannes van Oort)
- Neotestamentica 40 (2006) 213-215 (Jonathan A. Draper)
- Scrinium II (2006) 370-406 (Basil Lourie)
- Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 61 (2007) 69-70 (Pieter van der Horst)
- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30 (2006) 183-184 (Lester Grabbe)
- Journal of Biblical Literature 125.3 (2006) 587-592 (James E. Harding)
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 6 (2006) (Eva Mroczek)
- Recherches de Science Religieuse 95 (2007) 597-598 (Katell Berthelot) - From Apocalypticism to Merkabah Mysticism: Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha
(Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 114; Leiden:
Brill, 2007), pp. xii+481. $207.00. ISBN 90-04-15439-6.
To view the table of contents, click here.
- Journal of Jewish Studies 59.1 (2008) 140-143 (Michael Stone)
- Journal of Theological Studies (2008) (Christopher Rowland)
- Journal for the Study of Judaism 39 (2008) 88-145 (Kevin Sullivan) - Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha
(Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, 23; Leiden:
Brill, 2009), ISBN 978-90-04-17879-3.
- Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Orientalia Judaica Christiana, 2; Gorgias Press, 2009) $110. ISBN 978-1-60724-407-3.
Edited Volumes:
- "Titles of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 18 (1998) 71-86.
- "Melchizedek Legend of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Journal for the Study of Judaism 31 (2000) 23-38.
- "The Origin of the Name 'Metatron' and the Text of 2 (Slavonic Apocalypse of) Enoch," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 21 (2000) 19-26.
- "Secrets of Creation in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Henoch 22 (2000) 45-62.
- "'Noah's Younger Brother': The Anti-Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch," Henoch 22 (2000) 207-221.
- "Ex 33 on God's Face: A Lesson from the Enochic Tradition," Seminar Papers 39, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting 2000 (Atlanta: Scholars, 2000) 130-47.
- "'Two Tablets' Traditions from the Book of Giants to Palaea Historica," Journal for the Study of Judaism 32 (2001) 137-158.
- "Paradigms of the Transformational Vision in the Macarian Homilies," Vigiliae Christianae 55 (2001) 281-298 (with A. Golitzin)
- "The Heavenly Counterpart of the Visionary in the Slavonic Ladder of Jacob," in: Evans, Craig A. (ed.), Of Scribes and Sages (Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity, 10; Library of Second Temple Studies, 51; London; New York: T &T Clark, 2004) 59 - 76.
- "Vested with Adam's Glory: Moses as the Luminous Counterpart of Adam in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Macarian Homilies" in: "Mémorial Annie Jaubert (1912—1980)," Xristianskij Vostok 4.10 (2002) 740-755.
- "The Flooded Arboretums: The Garden Traditions in the Slavonic Version of 3 Baruch and in the Book of Giants" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 65 (2003) 184-201.
- "On the Polemical Nature of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch: A Reply to C. Bottrich," Journal for the Study of Judaism 34 (2003) 274-303.
- "Celestial Choirmaster: The Liturgical Role of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch and Merkabah Tradition," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 14.1 (2004) 3-29.
- "Noah's Younger Brother Revisited: Anti-Noachic Polemics and the Date of 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Henoch 26 (2004) 172-187.
- "'Without Measure and Without Analogy:' Shiur Qomah Traditions in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Journal of Jewish Studies 56 (2005) 224-244.
- “’The Learned Savant Who Guards the Secrets of the Great Gods’: Evolution of the Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in Mesopotamian and Enochic Traditions: Part I: Mesopotamian Traditions,” Scrinium I. Varia Aethiopica. In Memory of Sevir B. Chernetsov (1943-2005) (eds. B. Lourie et al.; St. Peterburg, 2005) 248-264.
- “’The Learned Savant Who Guards the Secrets of the Great Gods’: Evolution of the Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in Mesopotamian and Enochic Traditions: Part II: Enochic Traditions,” Scrinium II. Universum Hagiographicum. Memorial R.P. Michel van Esbroeck, S.J. (1934-2003) (ed. B. Lourie; St. Peterburg, 2006) 165-213.
- "Resurrection of Adam's Body: The Redeeming Role of Enoch-Metatron in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," From Apocalypticism to Merkabah Mysticism: Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (JSJSup., 114; Leiden: Brill, 2006) 231-236 .
- "God's Face in the Enochic Tradition," Paradise Now: Essays on Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism (ed. A. De Conick; Symposium Series, 11; Atlanta: SBL/Leiden: Brill, 2006) 179-193.
- "Лицо как небесный двойник мистика в славянской 'Лествице Иакова,'" Волшебная Гора 11 (2006) 78-99.
- “The Heirs of the Enochic Lore: ‘Men of Faith’ in 2 Enoch 35:2 and Sefer Hekhalot 48D:10,” in: Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition: Continuity and Diversity. (ed. L. DiTommaso and C. Böttrich, 2007) (forthcoming).
- "The Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness: The Priestly Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch and the Epistle to the Hebrews," Journal of Theological Studies 58.1 (2007) 45-65.
- "Moses' Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian," Biblica 88 (2007) 153-173.
- "Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in the Book of the Similitudes: A Departure from the Traditional Pattern?" Enoch and the Messiah Son of Man: Revisiting the Book of Parables (ed. G. Boccaccini; Crand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007) 110-136.
- "Praxis of the Voice: The Divine Name Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham," Journal of Biblical Literature 127.1 (2008) 53-70.
- "'The Gods of My Father Terah’: Abraham the Iconoclast and the Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 18.1 (2008) 33-53.
- “The Pillar of the World: The Eschatological Role of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch,” Henoch 30.1 (2008) 119-135.
- “In the Mirror of the Divine Face: The Enochic Features of the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian,” The Significance of Sinai: Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity (eds. G. Brooks, H. Najman, L. Stuckenbruck; Themes in Biblical Narrative, 13; Leiden: Brill, 2008) 183-199.
- "The Pteromorphic Angelology of the Apocalypse of Abraham," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2009) 830-842.
- “Arboreal Metaphors and Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham,” Harvard Theological Review 102 (2009) 439-451.
- Entries: "Melchizedek," "Enoch," "Metatron,"
"2 Enoch," and "Slavonic Pseudepigrapha," for The Dictionary of
Early Judaism (eds. J. J. Collins and D. Harlow; Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 2007) (forthcoming).
Book Reviews:
- Review of Alexander Kulik's Retroverting Slavonic Pseudepigrapha: Toward the Original of the Apocalypse of Abraham (Text-Critical Studies, 3; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2004) in: Review of Biblical Literature, May, 2005.
- Review of Hindy Najman's Seconding Sinai: The Development of Mosaic Discourse in Second Temple Judaism (SJSJ, 77; Leiden: Brill, 2003) in: The Studia Philonica Annual 18 (2006).
- Review of Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection (ed. G. Boccaccini; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005) in: Dead Sea Discoveries 14.2 (2006).
Internet Publications:
- Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism, originator, designer, webmaster. Launched April 2002. Original contents include collection of scholarly articles and extensive bibliographies.
- The Slavonic Pseudepigrapha Project, originator, designer, webmaster. Launched December 2006. Original contents include collection of scholarly articles and extensive bibliographies.
- Resources on 2 Enoch, originator, designer, webmaster. Original contents include collection of scholarly articles and extensive bibliographies.
- Resources on the Apocalypse of Abraham, originator, designer, webmaster. Original contents include collection of scholarly articles and extensive bibliographies.
Membership and Service in Learned Societies
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Catholic Biblical Association of America
- Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
- The Enoch Seminar
- Organizer and Chair of the Fifth Enoch Seminar: “Enoch, Adam, Melchisedek: Mediatorial Figures in 2 Enoch and Second Temple Judaism” (Naples, Italy 2009)
- Member of Steering Committee, Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Group, Society of Biblical Literature
- Member of Steering Committee, Noncanonical Writings in Early Judaism and Christianity Section, Society of Biblical Literature
- Member of Steering Committee, New Testament Mysticism Project Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature
Service in Scholarly Journals
- Henoch: Journal of Studies in Judaism and Christianity from Second Temple to Late Antiquity (Member of Advisory Board)
- Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique (Member of Editorial Board)
Papers Read at Professional Meetings
- Paper: "Titles of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch," Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 24, 1996.
- Paper: "Ex 33 on God's Face: A Lesson from the Enochic Tradition," Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Nashville, November 20, 2000.
- Paper: "'Noah's Younger Brother': Anti-Noahic Polemics in 2 Enoch," Pseudepigrapha Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Nashville, November 21, 2000.
- Paper: "Heavenly Counterpart of the Visionary in the Slavonic Ladder of Jacob," Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, November 2001.
- Paper: "From Patriarch to the "Youth": Angelic Veneration of Enoch and His Title "Youth" in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Pseudepigrapha Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Toronto, November 2002.
- Paper: "Resurrection of Adam's Body: The Redeeming Role of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch 46 and Sefer Hekhalot 48C," Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 24, 2003.
- Paper: "The Heirs of the Enochic Lore: 'Men of Faith' in 2 Enoch 35:2 and Sefer Hekhalot 46D:10," Pseudepigrapha Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, November 2004.
- Paper: “Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in the Book of the Similitudes: A Departure from the Traditional Pattern?” Third Enoch Seminar, Monastero di Camaldoli, Italy, June 7, 2005.
- Paper: “’You See the Extent of My Body’: The Shiur Qomah Tradition in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch,” Pseudepigrapha Group, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 20, 2005.
- Paper: " "The Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness: The Priestly Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch and the Epistle to the Hebrews," The St. Andrews Conference on Hebrews & Theology, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, July 18-22, 2006.
- Paper: "The Metatron Tradition in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch," The VIIIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Moscow, Russia, July 23-27, 2006.
- Paper: "In the Mirror of the Divine Face: The Enochic Features of the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian" The Durham University Conference "Giving Torah at Sinai," Durham, England, July 4-6, 2007.
- Paper: "Moses' Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian," The Fourth Enoch Seminar, Monastero di Camaldoli, Italy, July 8, 2007.
- Paper: "Apocalyptic Imagery in the Gospel of John 1:51," New Testament Mysticism Project Seminar, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Washington, November 17, 2007.
Paper: "Enoch and the Anthropos: Restoration of the Glory of Adam in
2 (Slavonic) Enoch," Philo of Alexandria Group, American Academy of
Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Washington,
November 18, 2007.
Angels and Demons
- Metatron as the Deity: Lesser YHWH
- Metatron as the Expert in Secrets
- Metatron as the Prince of the World
- Metatron as the Prince of the Presence
- Metatron as the Scribe
- Metatron as the Mediator
- Metatron as the Heavenly Priest and Celestial Choirmaster
- The Name of Metatron
- Metatron as the Youth
- Metatron as the Prince of the Torah
- Metatron as the Measure of the Divine Body
- Azazel as the Celestial Scapegoat
- The Inheritance of Azazel
- The Theophany of Azazel
- The Kavod of Azazel
- Yahoel and Azazel
- Uriel-Sariel-Phanuel
- Angel Yahoel: The Singer of the Eternal One
- The Glorified Jacob-Israel
- Moses as an Angel of Presence
- Abraham as the Goat for YHWH
- Abraham as a Heavenly High Priest