Welcome to the Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality! 

Our lives are full of hopes and dreams. We desire to make a difference in the lives of our students, colleagues, friends, and family. We are excited to bring our gifts and talents to all we do, and at times we feel stressed and overwhelmed with all we face. We may face challenges from illness, time management, and even relationships; or perhaps our lives just feel out of balance.

In response to our aspirations and stresses, let us take a lesson from the mighty oak tree. For the mighty oak to reach into the heavens it requires deep roots to nurture and sustain it over the long haul. So too with us. For our aspirations to soar and not be exhausted in the process, we also need deep roots.

The spiritual journey is a process of rooting ourselves. We become more grounded in the depths of who we are, connect to our spiritual core, and encounter God. Such an experience releases tremendous reserves of energy, brings clarity to our vision, and gives focus to our work. 

We at the Faber Center invite you to begin, deepen, and/or grow in this spiritual journey. Doing this deep work enables deep living, which leads to deep fulfillment. 

Along your journey, feel free to explore our offerings, browse our library, receive our newsletter, drop by our office, or contact us with any inquiries.