Stories of Graduate Student Success:Kathryn Barber, doctoral student in the Department of Psychology

Katie Barber

Kathryn Barber is a second-year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program in the Department of Psychology at Marquette University. Barber works in the Behavior Therapy and Research Lab and her research focuses on trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) as well as other OCD-related disorders. She participated in the spring 2024, Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and qualified as one of the top ten event finalists. Barber’s 3MT presentation was titled, “Neurocognitive Functioning in Trichotillomania” and her research focused on neuropsychological characteristics of adults with this disorder.  Trichotillomania is a relatively common condition that can cause significant distress, yet it remains under-recognized. The core of Barber’s research is to identify cognitive and emotional processes that contribute to the development and maintenance of the disorder. Barber hopes her work will inform treatment development and ultimately improve outcomes for people with trichotillomania. Read more.



Doctoral student in history wins prestigious 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship

Melanie Lorenz

Melanie Lorenz, a doctoral candidate in the Department of History, was recently awarded a 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi annually awards 15 dissertation fellowships of $10,000 each to active members who are doctoral candidates and are completing dissertations.

Lorenz’s research on foreign-born midwives explores intersections between Americans’ ideas about immigration, gender roles and medical practices at the turn of the 20th century. Using records from state boards of health records, midwife registers, newspapers, birth records and contemporary medical journals, she investigates the personal consequences of the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth for midwives. Read more.



Stories of Graduate Student Success: Saba Heidari, doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science

Saba HeidartSaba Heidari is a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science studying adversarial attacks on neural networks. Heidari is a research assistant in the Machine Learning, Optimization and Data Lab (MODLab) under the supervision of Dr. Nasim Yahyasoltani. She is passionate about the field of machine learning and has more than twelve journal and conference publications as well as over 50 citations recorded in her research area. The core of Heidari’ s research studies involves leveraging medical images to augment the reliability of neural networks within the medical domain. Read more.