University marketing and brand support

The university brand platform is a representation of the Marquette experience through multiple channels, platforms and formats of marketing and communication media. The brand is communicated through visual and verbal language, as well as through offline and online experience. In this era of rapidly evolving media and platforms, it is critical that the university brand is communicated in a clear, consistent manner — one that it is immediately recognizable as “That’s Marquette.” 

Brand creative platform coverThe following resources are designed to provide an overview of key elements of the university brand. For a comprehensive guide to the Marquette Brand Creative Platform, please complete the brand creative platform request form.

Brand resources

  • Brand messaging: An overview of brand positioning, core brand message and brand voice.
  • Marquette brand symbols: A overview of key Marquette brand symbols.
  • Logo structure and usage: Defines the structure and appropriate use of the Marquette University logo. 
  • Typography: Defines the brand fonts and usage to be aligned with the brand platform.
  • Color palette: Defines the values of official primary brand colors.
  • Social media: Guidelines and directories for Marquette social media accounts.

Marketing content resources 

  • Canto, brand asset management software: The university maintains a database of high resolution photography for use in marketing and communication materials. Canto also includes a number of brand asset files for approved use by university communicators, including production ready files for logos, templates, etc., as well as our comprehensive brand guidelines. For access to Canto, please call the Office of Marketing and Communication at (414) 288-7448.
  • Photography guidelines: Guidelines for making informed choices about photography to use in marketing and communication materials. For access to university photography, see above bullet about Canto.
  • Editorial style guide: Guidelines for writers and creators of messaging on behalf of the university. This document defines the official university style for words, phrases and punctuation in university marketing and communication materials.
  • PowerPoint template: Slides and sample layouts for creating presentations representing the university. Additional PowerPoint assets can be found in the Brand asset folder in Canto. See first bullet for requesting access to Canto.
  • Content management software technical standards: Overview of technical standards for creating content using Omni CMS, the university content management software. If you need assistance working with Omni CMS or need to schedule a training, please fill out this web request form. To request a shortened URL, please fill out the redirect request form