Marquette Lonergan Project

The Marquette Lonergan Project has as its objective to assist in preserving, promoting, developing, and implementing the work of Jesuit theologian, philosopher, economist, and methodologist, Bernard Lonergan, S.J. Marquette University's unique contributions to the Lonergan enterprise are found at the two web sites (primary archival material) and (secondary materials, including back issues of Lonergan Workshop and Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies).

The Project also sponsors annually a Colloquium on "Doing Catholic Theology in a Multi-Religious World." Work is now going forward on another website, which when launched will be called As its name indicates, this site will be devoted to introducing people to Lonergan's thought.

There is also a student organization connected with the Project. The Lonergan Society at Marquette University is dedicated to reading and appropriating the thought of Bernard J. Lonergan, S.J. The Society maintains a Lonergan Reading Group and hosts the annual "Lonergan on the Edge" graduate student conference, at which students from different universities present papers and enjoy one another's fellowship. The website of the Lonergan Society is