  • Dr. David Stosur

    Dr. David Stosur
    Dr. David StosurMarquette University

    Marquette Hall, 008K

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-3738

    Teaching Associate Professor


    David Stosur (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) specializes in liturgical theology, and has been teaching liturgy and theology in institutions of higher education and ministry formation since 1989. He edited the book “Unfailing Patience and Sound Teaching”: Reflections on Episcopal Ministry in Honor of Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B. (Liturgical Press, 2003), contributing the concluding essay in that volume.  His published articles include “Narrative Signification and the Paschal Mystery: Liturgy, Participation, and Hermeneutics,” in Questions liturgiques/Studies in liturgy (2015), “A Tale of Two Translations: Rhetorical Style and the Post-Conciliar English Translations of the Mass” in Theological Studies (2018), “Rahner’s ‘Liturgy of the World’ as Hermeneutics of Another World That Is Possible” in Philosophy and Theology (2020), a review of Brian A. Butcher’s Liturgy after Schmemann: An Orthodox Reading of Paul Ricoeur (Fordham University Press, 2018) in Theological Studies (2020), and “Liturgical Participation and the Sensus Fidelium: A Post-Critical Epistemological Perspective” in a forthcoming (2024) issue of Worship. Stosur also writes occasional “Brief Book Reviews” for the blog, Pray Tell: Worship, Wit, & Wisdom (https://www.praytellblog.com/index.php/category/brief-book-review/).

    Additional Information

    Office Hours - Spring 2025

    • Tu 2:00-3:30
    • Th 9:00-10:30

    Faculty & Staff Directory


    Department of Theology
    Marquette Hall 115
    1217 W. Wisconsin Avenue 
    Milwaukee, WI 53233
    (414) 288-7170

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