Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion


Nominations are being accepted for the Marquette University Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Staff Award. Each year the Office of the President will recognize one staff member who demonstrates exemplary leadership that manifests the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion into practical action. Recipients may demonstrate this commitment across a range of possibilities: student- or staff-centered inclusion initiatives; efforts to support recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff and/or students; multicultural programming or related initiatives; community outreach activities; or addressing issues found in the Campus Climate Study results. Members of the Marquette community are encouraged to nominate one or more candidates.

Candidates should be nominated based on meritorious service above and beyond the duties assigned to their positions. Nominees should also demonstrate and support the Ignatian ideal of care for others, as well as carry out Marquette’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

The Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Staff Award will be presented each year at the Excellence in University Service Award luncheon.


  1. Candidates must be a regular full-time staff member with a minimum of five years of consecutive Marquette service.
  2. Self-nominations will not be considered.
  3. If a member of the University Staff Senate is nominated, they will recuse themself from the selection process.
  4. Nominations will be kept and considered for two consecutive years.


Criteria for selection are as follows and may include a broad range of criteria from inclusion-centered initiatives: efforts to support recruitment and retention of diverse staff and/or students; teaching and/or research that expands and embraces our understanding of inclusiveness; multicultural programming or related initiatives; community outreach activities; or a host of other possibilities that enhance diversity and inclusion. Nomination statements should focus on the following criteria:

  1. The extent to which the candidate’s activities have promoted a campus environment that is welcoming, supportive and nurturing of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language and other human differences.
  2. The extent to which the candidate’s activities have contributed to raising awareness and consciousness about diversity and inclusion within the context of the university’s mission and for the greater good of the Marquette community.
  3. The extent to which the candidate’s activities had, or will have, significant impact on the Marquette community in terms of diversity and inclusion.
  4. The scope of the candidate’s diversity and inclusion activities and how they reflect integrity among all members of the Marquette community.

Evidence sources of exemplary diversity and inclusion leadership

What has the candidate done to make Marquette a more diverse and inclusive community?

The following offer examples of activities that are not prescriptive, exclusive or exhaustive but merely illustrative of practices and activities that exemplify diversity and inclusion and are not a requirement of the staff member’s job.

The deadline for nominations is December 2, 2024

Online Nomination Form

Previous Award Recipients