Department of Psychology
Cramer Hall, 317
604 N. 16th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-7218
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What is MAP?
The Marquette Autism Project (MAP) is a multi-faceted research program dedicated to understanding the development of autistic children, adolescents, and adults. Overall, we are interested in the ways autistic people connect with other autistic and non-autistic people and the world, what gifts they bring to society, how we can ensure access to helpful and wanted supports for autistic people, and how their lives and neurobiology change and develop over time. Several studies are and have been conducted as part of MAP. These include past studies of the PEERS© friendship and social skills curriculum for preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults on the autism spectrum*; studies of the Broader Autism Phenotype amongst college students; studies of anxiety in autistic people; studies of joint attention and socialization in toddlers; studies of mental health and social isolation in autistic people during the COVID-19 pandemic; and studies of attitudes towards college and therapeutic supports amongst autistic adolescents and adults. Currently, the MAP is recruiting for one study, the Battling the Bottleneck study, described below. Starting in spring of 2024, we plan to introduce a new program to the Milwaukee area, the CUES program. CUES, which stands for Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations, is an 8-week parent training program designed by Dr. Jacqui Rodgers and colleagues, with autistic stakeholder input, at Newcastle University in the UK. We will be training on the program in Fall of 2023 with the intention of running our first groups in Spring of 2024. The program is appropriate for families of children on the spectrum aged 6-16, who are hoping to improve their child’s and family’s ability to handle anxiety-provoking situations in everyday life. We have also recently started an initiative to connect with and learn from Native American communities in Wisconsin around autism. Please reach out to us at to be placed on our email list for more information, if you are interested in either of these new initiatives.
*As of spring 2023, we will be taking a break from running PEERS© groups at Marquette. Good community options for other social skills/friendship groups can be found at in the Resource Directory. Also, the Concordia University Speech Clinic runs young adult PEERS© for community members, and our collaborator Dr. Laurie Donnell Bjustrom at Elevate Behavioral Health ( in Waukesha, WI, will be running adolescent PEERS© groups starting in summer of 2023.
The Battling the Bottleneck Study: Improving Access to Autism Diagnosis and Care in WI
Doctoral Students
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Cramer Hall, 3rd floor
604 N. 16th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Phone: (414) 288-4438
Fax: (414) 288-5333