  • Dr. Sarah Erickson-Bhatt

    Sarah Erickson-Bhatt
    Dr. Sarah Erickson-BhattMarquette University

    Wehr Physics Building, 301

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-2151

    Assistant Professor


    Sarah Erickson-Bhatt is a researcher and professor of Biophysics. Her objective is to bring her multi-disciplinary background into the classroom and lab. Her previous work has involved optical imaging of cancer including instrumentation/computation development and testing, in vitro and in vivo cancer studies, and clinical studies with cancer patients. She received her B.S. in Physics from the University of South Florida where she did research in thermoelectric materials. She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from FIU in Miami where her research focused on diffuse optical tomography for breast cancer diagnosis. Subsequently she did seven years of postdoc research at UIUC and UW Madison to study optical coherence tomography for intraoperative tumor margin detection and multiscale imaging of breast cancer metabolism.


    S.J. Erickson-Bhatt, K.J. Mesa, M. Marjanovic, E.J. Chaney, A. Ahmad, P.C. Huang, Z.G. Liu, K. Cunningham, S.A. Boppart, “Intraoperative optical coherence tomography of the human thyroid: Feasibility for surgical assessment. Translational Research 195:13-24 (2018).


    S.J. Erickson-Bhatt, R.M. Nolan, N.D. Shemonski, S.G. Adie, J. Putney, D. Darga, D.T. McCormick, A.J. Cittadine, A.M. Zysk, M. Marjanovic, E.J. Chaney, G.L. Monroy, F.A. South, K.A. Cradock, Z.G. Liu, M. Sundaram, P.S. Ray, and S.A. Boppart. “Real-time imaging of the resection bed using a handheld probe to reduce incidence of microscopic positive margins in cancer surgery,” Cancer Research 75(18): 3706-3712 (2015).


    S.J. Erickson-Bhatt, M. Roman, J.Gonzalez, A. Nunez, R. Kiszonas, C. Lopez-Penalver, and A. Godavarty. “Noninvasive Surface Imaging of Breast Cancer in Humans using a Hand-held Optical Imager,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 1:045001 (2015).


    S.J. Erickson, S.L. Martinez, J. DeCerce, A. Romero, L. Caldera, and A. Godavarty. “Three-dimensional fluorescence tomography of human breast tissues in vivo using a hand-held optical imager,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 58(5): 1563-79 (2013).


    S.J. Erickson, A. Godavarty, S.L. Martinez, J. Gonzalez, A. Romero, M. Roman, A. Nunez, J. Ge, S. Regalado, R. Kiszonas, and C. Lopez-Penalver. “Hand-held optical devices for breast cancer: spectroscopy and 3D tomographic imaging,” (invited paper) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18(4), 1298-1312 (2012).


    S.J. Erickson and A. Godavarty. “Hand-Held Based Near-Infrared Optical Imaging Systems: A Review” Medical Engineering and Physics 31, 495-509 (2009).

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