Marquette's Office of International Education provides a variety of support services for faculty members looking to research or teach abroad. Our staff has a wide range of knowledge and appointments are always available. Below you can also find links to a variety of information on grants, development opportunities, and other topics.

Funding for International Research

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American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

Fulbright Scholar Program

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)

The Foundation Center

International Visiting Research Fellowship

Grants for Study and Research in Germany

FIPSE International Programs Grants

Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences

100K Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund

The Stevens Initiative: Research in Virtual Exchange


International Housing

Sabbatical Homes

Sabbatical Homes provides an international resources for housing exchange for faculty going overseas on short-term projects. Just follow the guidelines outlined in UPP 1-18 Campus access only.