48. The Trinity: Retrieving the Western Tradition, by Neil Ormerod. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-725-1 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-725-7. Paper. 176 pp. $20

Recent decades have witnessed a significant growth in interest in Trinitarian theology. Among the varied and often conflicting theologies currently developed, the common theme is that the Western tradition of Trinitarian theology has had its day. This book argues that this tradition is still relevant, and in fact more coherent than the competing alternatives now on offer.

“We are in the midst of massive cultural upheavals and we live in a time when it is nearly impossible to find our bearings. It remains my conviction that within that turmoil the Western tradition, exemplified in the Trinitarian writings of Augustine and Aquinas, remain a permanent achievement, from which we can continue to learn.” — From the Author’s Preface

Professor Neil OrmerodProfessor Neil Ormerod is Head of the Sub-faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Mount St. Mary Campus, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. His previous book include: Method, Meaning and Revelation (Lanham: UPA, 2000). Introducing Contemporary Theologies: The What and the Who of Theology Today, revised and expanded edition (Sydney/Maryknoll: E.J. Dwyer/Orbis, 1997, republished by Orbis, 2002). When Ministers Sin: Sexual Abuse in the Churches, with Thea Ormerod (Sydney: Millennium Books, 1994). Grace and Disgrace: A Theology of Self-Esteem, Society and History (Sydney: E.J. Dwyer, 1992).



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