13. Max Scheler. A Concise Introduction into the World of a Great Thinker, by Manfred Frings. ISBN 0-87462-605-6. ©1996. Paperbound. Second edition, revised. Index. New Foreword by the author. $20

Chapters on The Biophysical World,
on the Emotional Spheres,
on the Ordo Amoris, on Ressentiment,
on Scheler’s Non-Formal Ethics of Values,
on the Human Person,
on the Person God,
on Knowledge and Reality,
and on the theme of Philosophical Anthropology in the Age of Adjustment.


Marquette University Press

Founded in 1916, the Marquette University Press, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, publishes scholarly works in philosophy, theology, history, and other selected humanities. Read more.