The Center for Teaching & Learning serves as a catalyst for promoting a culture of pedagogical excellence at Marquette University.

Rooted in Ignatian pedagogy and the scholarship of teaching and learning, the Center for Teaching & Learning is committed to the professional development of the campus teaching community. We work with faculty to support sound pedagogical practice while respecting individual learning differences, and help all instructors create a learning environment where all teachers and learners can succeed and flourish.  Read more about our services offered...

One-on-one Consultations

CTL also offers 1:1 support for all faculty and Teaching Assistants to discuss any aspect of your teaching and goals. We treat every consultation as private, so please do reach out to us via email to set up an appointment.

News and Upcoming Events

Our upcoming Fall 2024 workshops, clubs, and other events are now live, see all upcoming CTL events by clicking here.

Collage of people at CTL events in Spring 2024

SAVE THE DATE! The CTL is cohosting an Ignatian Writing Retreat with the Office of Mission and Ministry from February 27-28 in Cedar Vally, WI. Save a spot here!

Check out this excellent “start of the semester” article from Dr. Melissa Shew in Conversations on Jesuit Education entitled The Intimacy on the Return to Teaching! We also have a Spotlight Series on Medium. This interview series pays special attention to teaching as a profession and vocation at Marquette. All kinds of instructors and faculty will be profiled. If you would like to recommend someone you know (or yourself!) to be profiled in this series, please contact us at

The Semester Is Off and Running. What Happened to My Plans?

Image of drawn horse drawing progressively getting worse. Text overlay that says how my semester looked last week on the better end. And how it's looking now and the worse side.

Come to this session for a collaborative workshop on faculty efforts for the semester. Using an accessible framework provided by Dr. Kristen Renn (Michigan State University) during her visit to Marquette in Spring 2024, participants will be guided through an exercise to figure out what kinds of planned activities for the semester might be worth doing, which should be discarded, and how to tell the difference. Register here.

D2L Logo

Now that you’re settled into your semester, join this session to learn more about how to best use D2L to support both student success and your own organization! Register here.

Faculty Diversity Book Club, Fall 2024 -Spring 2025

Book covers for faculty book club

Be a Guide, Not an Expert: Preparing to Teach New Content

Image of book cover for The Teaching Assistant's Guide:  Essential Skills for College Lectures and Labs by Ed Himeblau

A common stressor among new TAs is preparing to teach a topic they feel is unfamiliar (“I haven’t thought about photosynthesis since my freshman year!”). The feeling that you aren’t an expert can raise anxiety and feed imposter feelings. Professor Ed Himelblau, author of The Teaching Assistant's Guide, will help you approach the need to learn new content with the proper mindset. Register here.