Howard Fuller Collection Research Material and Publications


Series Sub-Series Box Folder Title
 C-17 2-HF   2 1 Research Material - The Atlanta University Publications, 1968; Arno Press Inc. 
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Carmichael, Stokely, "Free Huey"; Tape Transcription, 7/12/71
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Chase, Bob; The New NEA, 2/5/97
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Cleveland Sellers w/ Robert Terrell - From Black Consciousness to Black Power, 1973
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - The Foundation for Community Development: A Report, 1968-1972; Foundation for Community Development, May 1973
C-17 2-HF` 2 1 Research Material - Johnston-Elie, Tennette - Black Flight in Milwaukee, Nov. 1994; Milwaukee Sentinel 
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Lowe, Robert - Teachers as Saviors, Teachers Who Care, Spring 2000
C-17 2-HF` 2 1 Research Material - Kantor, Harvery & Lowe, Robert - Bureaucracy Left and Right, 2000
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - The Negro in Milwaukee: A Historical Survey - Milwaukee County Historical Society, 1968
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Moore, Leonard N. - "The School Desegregation Crisis in Cleveland, OH 1963-1964," Journal of Urban History, January 2002
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Prensky, Marc - Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants, 2001
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Rodney - "The Groundings with my Brothers," The Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Graduation Rates for Choice and Public School Students in Milwaukee, Septemeber 2004; School Choice WI
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - "The Booker T. Washington Papers: Volume 3," University of Illinois Press, 1889-1895
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Black Heritage in Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Arts Development Department, July 1981
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Vollmar - "The negro in a Midwest frontier city, Milwaukee, 1835-1870;" Marquette University, 5/1/1968
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Washington and Oliver - "The identification of strengths in the Black commmunity of Metropolitan Milwaukee," Spring 1976
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Case Study of MPS Schools, circa 1985 commission 
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Research Material - Howard Fuller Notes
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - An Honest Research Update - Real School Choice Evidence, WI Policy Research Institute; Fall/Winter 1997
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - An Impossible Job, July 2003
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - "For the sake of our children," The Business Journal; 3/20/1998
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - Full Court Press, Fall 2002; Education Next
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - "Parental Choice in America is Widespread - Unless You are Poor;" Understanding Educational Equity at Scale, 2/8/2006
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - Fuller and Greiveldinger - School Choice/Integration; August 2002
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - Howard Fuller - "Lies and Distortions Report;" April 2001
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Publications - Transforming Learning: The Struggle to Save Urban Education, UCEA Review, Winter 1990
C-17 2-HF 2 1  Galper - Social Work
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Sarane Spence Boocock - Sociology of Education (Outlook)
C-17 2-HF 2 1 Trotter - Black Milwaukee (County)