Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Citizens for Educational Freedom (CEF): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Correspondence, 1969-1971 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Tuition Grant Bills, 1969-1971 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Varia, 1969-1971 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Commencement Speech, St. Mary's High School, 6/2/1961 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Governor's Commission on Education, a.k.a. Kellett Commission: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Correspondence, 1969-1970, undated |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Reports, 1969, 1971 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Litigation concerning School Choice: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Jackson et al v. Benson et al (Dane County Circuit Court), 1997-1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Miller et al v. Benson (Federal District Court), 1995 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Ohio Decision, 1997 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | State of Wisconsin ex rel. Tommy G. Thompson v. Jackson et al (Wisconsin Supreme Court), 1996 |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 1 | Magazine and Journal Clippings about Education Reform and School Choice, 1961-2000, undated (2 folders) |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Milwaukee Archdiocesan Community Advisory Committee on Schools: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Correspondence, 1995-1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Marketing Materials, 1995-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Meetings, 1995-2000 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Strategic Planning, 1995-1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Milwaukee Archdiocesan Education Foundation: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Articles of Incorporation, 1986-1987 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Award for Excellence in Education, 1990-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Board of Directors, Membership Lists, 1988-1990 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Committee Lists, 12/4/1990 |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Milwaukee Archdiocesan Education Foundation (continued):: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Correspondence: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Board of Directors, 1986-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Danner, Peter, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 2 | Executive Director, 1989-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Finance Committee, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Marketing Committee, 1990-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Finance Committee, 1989 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Financial Statements, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Fundraising Campaign, 1990 |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Milwaukee Archdiocesan Education Foundation (continued):: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Grant Applications, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Marketing Committee, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Meeting Minutes: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Board of Directors, 1987-1991 (2 folders) |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 3 | Finance Committee, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Marketing Committee, 1988-1991 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Mission Statement, 1987-1988 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Strategic Planning, circa 1988-1990 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Milwaukee Archdiocesan Task Force on Primary and Secondary Education, 1987-1988 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings about Parochial Schooling, Education Reform, and Parental Choice, 1961-2002 (2 folders) |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Annual Financial Statements, 1992-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Annual Reports, 1993-1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 4 | Articles of Incorporation, 1992 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Blessed Trinity Project, 1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Board of Directors, Membership lists, 1995, 1997, 1999-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Budgets, 1991-1994, 1997-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Correspondence: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Board of Directors, 1991-2002 (3 folders) |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Danner, Peter, 1992-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Executive Director, 1991-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 5 | Finance Committee, 1992-2002 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Thank you letters from PAVE students, parents, and administrators, 1992, 1995-1997, 2001, undated |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE), (continued): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), 2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Community/Student Partnership Program, 1992-1993, undated |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Donor Information, 1992-2000 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Educational Facilities Development Fund, 2000 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Empowering Parents for Informed Choices in Education (EPIC) Program, 1998-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Institute for the Transformation of Learning, 2000 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Legislation/Lawmakers, 1995-1997, 2001, undated |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Marketing Committee, 1991-1992, 1994 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Meeting Minutes: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Board of Directors, 1991-2002 (2 folders) |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 6 | Finance Committee, 1992-2000 (2 folders) |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE), (continued): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Mission Statements, 1992-1993, 2000, undated |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Mitchell Company, 1995-1996, 1998 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | "PAVE Partnership and School Choice" by Peter Danner, 1994-1995 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Press Releases, 1992-1996, 1999 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Quarterly Financial Reports, 1993-1999 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Research Committee, 1992-1998, 2002 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Scholarship reports and projections, 1992-2001 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Strategic Planning, 1997-2002 |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Published Reports about School Choice and Educational Reform: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Alberta Chamber of Resources. International Comparisons in Education: Curriculum, Values and Lessons. 1992. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Council on Urban Life. Milwaukee Public Schools, 1967-1973. Administrative Directions: Costs and Results. Oct.-Dec., 1972. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Hudson Institute. First Year Report: Educational Choice Charitable Trust. 1991-1992. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Joint Legislative Audit Committee. Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: An Evaluation. 2/2000. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Peterson, Paul E. A Critique of the Witte Evaluation of Milwaukee's School Choice Program. Center for American Political Studies, 2/1995. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Rees, Nina Shokraii and Sarah E. Youssef. School Choice: What's Happening in the States, 1999. The Heritage Foundation. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 7 | Rees, Nina Shokraii. School Choice: What's Happening in the States, 2000. The Heritage Foundation. |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Published Reports about School Choice and Educational Reform (continued): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | White, Sammis B. Independent and Religious Schools in Milwaukee: Their Staffs and School Conditions. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Urban Initiatives and Research. 12/30/2000. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. Educational Choice, Vol. 2, No. 3, 3/1989. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, Vol. 5, No. 5, 11/1992. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. Why MPS Doesn't Work, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1/1994. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. Expanded School Choice in Milwaukee, Vol. 8, No. 5, 7/1995. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Witte, John. Choice in American Education. The Robert M. Lafollette Institute of Public Affairs, 1990. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Witte, John. First Year Report Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. The Robert M. Lafollette Institute of Public Affairs, 11/1991. |
Series 2-PLD
Record Group |
Series | Sub-series | Box | Folder Title |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Published Reports about School Choice and Educational Reform (continued): |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Witte, John, Andrea B. Bailey and Christopher A. Thorn. Second Year Report Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. The Robert M. Lafollette Institute of Public Affairs, 12/1992. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Witte, John, Andrea B. Bailey and Christopher A. Thorn. Third Year Report Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. The Robert M. Lafollette Institute of Public Affairs, 12/1993. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Witte, John, Christopher A. Thorn, Kim M. Pritchard and Michele Claibourn. Fourth Year Report Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. The Robert M. Lafollette Institute of Public Affairs, 12/1994. |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | - | Statistics and Research: |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 8 | Catholic Schools, circa 1970-2001, undated (3 folders) |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 9 | Public vs. Private Schools, circa 1968-1976 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 9 | Milwaukee School Choice Program, 1995-1996 |
C-13 | 2-PLD | 2 | 9 | Wisconsin Tuition Grant Program, 1974-1977 |