Record Group | Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Admissions Day Seminar, 1980 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Chicago Area Parents Dinner, 1982 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Christmas and New Year's Day Sermons, Undated, 1954, 1956 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Dorm Consecrations, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Easter Sunday, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Eight Day Retreat: Subjects, Undated (2 folders) |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Exhortations-Rosary and Our Lady and the Society, Undated, 1955 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Father Joseph V. Bier's Golden Jubilee, 1986 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | First Conference with Fr. G., Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Funeral of Mrs. Rosalia Bier, 1977 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Golden Jubilee, 1992 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Golden Wedding Anniversary of Art and Marie Meuler, 1991 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | High School Retreat-Odds and Ends, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Jubilee Celebration, 1979 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | The Liberal Arts: Landmarks of Higher Learning, 1968 |
Series 2.2-RGG
Record Group | Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Long Retreat, 1955 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Marquette University Alumni Association Memorial Mass, 1990 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Marquette University High School Graduation, 1964 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Marquette University Mid-Year Graduation, 1972 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Marquette University National Board Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1990 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Mary Neville Bielefeld Award, 1992 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Mass, Undated, 1954-1955 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Medical Technology Junior Dedication Ceremony, 1988 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Mid-Year Graduation Sermon, 1964 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Novena of Grace, Talks 1-9, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Poems, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Preuss, Undated |
Series 2.2-RGG
Record Group | Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Residence Hall Pre-School Workshop, 1964 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Retreats, Johnson Hall, 1961 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Sermon Preached at the Funeral Mass of Father Charles Bier, 1965 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Sunday Sermons and Mission Appeal, 1943-1944, 1951-1959 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Talk at St. Monica's, 1966 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Talk Given to the Juniors and Seniors of St. John's Cathedral, 1964 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Talk Given to the Marquette University Chapter of the A.A.U.P., 1965 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Talk to Arts and Sciences Freshman, 1989 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Tre Ore Notes, Holy Week and Easter Sermons, Undated, 1953, 1955 |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | Unidentified Talks, Undated |
C-1.17 | 2.2-RGG | 1 | University Requirements and Student Responsibilities, Workshop for Residence Hall Advisors, 1967 |