Conference for Catholic Lesbians – Audio Recordings, 1980-2004, undated
Note: arranged chronologically, and titled verbatim from the asset label
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"John McNeill, SJ - Kirkridge Retreat/Workshop - June 14, 1980." External resource. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Women and the Church - by Theresa Kane R.S.M."; 2) [Side A] "Hunt/Kane"; [Side B] "Kane." Keynote speech by Theresa Kane and Welcome Address by Mary Hunt from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette; duplicated on CD-R] |
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"1st CCL - Mary Hunt." Keynote speech (titled “Women and the Church”) by Theresa Kane and Welcome Address by Mary Hunt from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [CD-R; duplicated on audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "'Issues in Long Term Lesbian Relationships' - Joyce Vinson/Carol Rockman - Nov 1982 - Conf. #1"; 2) "Rockman & Vinson." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "The Politics of Lesbian Feminism - Barbara Zanotti"; 2) "Barbara Zanotti." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "'Lesbian Feminist Friendships' - Dr. Mary E. Hunt - Kirkridge I. November 1982"; 2) [Labelled on case insert with the same text as Tape 1, but with an incorrect date of November 1984]; 3) "Mary Hunt." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Four duplicate tapes: 1&2) "'Inclusive Naming of God' by Virginia Mamey Mollenkott"; 3) "Mollenkott Dup Master"; 4) [Side 1] "First Catholic Lesbian Conference - Mollenkott Workshop," [Side 2] "First Catholic Lesbian Conference - Mollenkott - Side 2 (Nov 5-7, '82)." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Gay Homophobia--Self Image & Personal Relationships - Mary Mendola"; 2) "Mary Mendola." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "Feminist Liturgies - by Marsie Silvestro & Diann Neu - Kirkridge I - November 1982"; 2) "Neu & Silvestro - Dup Master"; 3) "Diann Neu/Marsie Silvestro.” Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "'Towards Developing a Lesbian Identity' - Sr. Jeannine Gramick - Kirkridge I - Nov. 1982"; 2) "Sr. [Jeannine] Gramick - 'Coming Out as Lesbian' - Nov. 1982 - Conf. #1"; 3) "Jeannine Gramick, SSND." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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"A Workshop on Lesbian Ethics. Sr. Bernie H. November 1982 - Kirkridge, Bangor, PA." Workshop titled "Developing a Lesbian Morality," by Sr. Bernard Herlihy from the 1982 Conference. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "An Overview of SIGMA - Marguerite Kropinak, CSJ"; 2) "Kropinak." Workshop from the 1982 CCL Conference; SIGMA stands for Sisters in Gay Ministry Associated. November 1982. [Audiocassette] |
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"Circling Free," by Marsie Silvestro. Contains music used in the Nusse/Doherty interview DVD. Duplicated on CD. [Vinyl LP] |
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"CCL - Bless You My Sister - Marsie Silvestro." CD of Marsie Silvestro's LP "Circling Free," which features the song "Bless You My Sister." Contains the music used in the Nusse/Doherty interview DVD; Duplicated on vinyl LP. [CD-R] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Towards Developing a Positive Lesbian Identity - Bonnie Marty - Kirkridge, Bangor, Penn." (The case label also reads "CCL Conf. II - 'Here Come the Leading Lesbians'"); 2) "Bonnie Marty - CCL '84 - Towards Developing a Positive Lesbian Identity." Workshop from the 1984 CCL Conference. October 1984. [Audiocassette] |
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Three tapes: 1) [Side A] "Dr. Mary E. Hunt - Workshop Styles of Leadership' - Kirkridge II - October 1984," [Side B] "Barbara Zanotti - Keynote Speech - Kirkridge II, October 1984 - 'The Vision that Claims Us'"; 2) "Barbara Zanotti I - CCL '84"; 3) "Mary E. Hunt II - CCL '84." Workshop and keynote speech from the 1984 Conference. Tapes 2 and 3 duplicates of each side of Tape 1. October 1984. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Mary Hunt - Keynote Address - 7th Biennial Dignity Convention - New York Penta Hotel, NYC - Aug 22-25, 1985"; 2) "Seventh Biennial Dignity Convention - New York Penta Hotel, NYC - August 22-25, 1985 -[Handwritten:] Keynote Address-Mary Hunt, PhD." External resource. August 1985. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Mary Hunt, PhD - Workshop: ‘Feminist Theology: Dynamics and Directions’ - 7th Biennial Dignity Convention - NYC - 8/22-8/25/85"; 2) "Seventh Biennial Dignity Convention - New York Penta Hotel, NYC - August 22-25, 1985 - [Handwritten:] Mary Hunt, PhD - 'Feminist Theology: Dynamics and Directions.'" External resource. August 1985. [Audiocassette] |
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"Mary Mendola - Workshop: 'Gay/Lesbian Homophobia' - 7th Biennial Dignity Convention, NYC, 8/22/85-8/25/85." External resource. August 1985. [Audiocassette] |
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"Mary Mendola - Workshop: 'Making It as a Couple' - 7th Biennial Dignity Convention, NYC, 8/22-8/25/85." External resource. August 1985. [Audiocassette] |
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"Homosexuality, Religious Life and the Clergy - An Historical Overview - Dr. John Boswell, Yale University - Symposium II - November 8-10, 1985." External resource. November 1985. [Audiocassette] |
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"Homosexuality among Clergy and Religious: An Institutional Response - Dr. Daniel Maguire, Marquette Univ. - Symposium II - April 25-27, 1986." External resource. April 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "Conference Liturgies, CCL Conf. III - Meadow Lake Camp. Auberry, Calif. - 'Building Community through Spirituality'"; 2) "Conference Liturgies. 'Building Community through Spirituality' May 23-26, 1986"; 3) "Liturgies - Meadow Lake Conference? - May 1986." Liturgies from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Different Prayer Forms for Different Personalities. A Workshop Led by Pat O'Donnell - CCL Conference III - May 24, 1986"; 2) "Different Prayer Forms for Different Personalities. A Workshop Lead [sic] by Pat A. O'Donnell. May 24, 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1)"Fierce Tenderness: Toward a Feminist Theology of Friendship. A Workshop by Dr. Mary E. Hunt - Meadow Lake Camp - Auberry, California - May 24, 1986 - CCL Conference III - 'Building Community Through Spirituality'"; 2) "Fierce Tenderness: Toward a Feminist Theology of Friendship. Mary E. Hunt - May 24, 1986"; 3) "Dr. Mary E. Hunt - Meadow Lake Conf. - May 1986 - California." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Lesbian Homophobia. A Workshop Lead [sic] by Lorna Hochstein. May 24, 1986 - CCL Conference III"; 2) "Lesbian Homophobia. A Workshop Lead [sic] by Lorna Hochstein. May 24, 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "Creation Spirituality. Adriana Diaz. Meadow Lake Camp - Auberry, California - May 24, 1986"; 2) "Creation Spirituality. A workshop lead [sic] by Adriana Diaz. May 24, 1986"; 3) "Creation Spirituality? - Talk. Meadow Lake Conference?" Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Keynote-Peg Cruikshank (Welcome) - Dr. Mary E. Hunt 'Loving Well Together - Catholic Lesbians at Work & Play.' Meadow Lake Camp, Auberry, Calif. - Conference III - 'Building Community Through Spirituality' - May 24, 1986"; 2) "Welcome & Keynote: 'Loving Well Together: Catholic Lesbians at Prayer & Play.' Mary E. Hunt. May 24, 1986." Keynote from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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"Women Writers and Spirituality - CCL Conference III - Sr. Sue Woodruff - May 24, 1986 - Meadow Lake Camp." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Mysticism and Extrasensory Phenomena. A workshop lead [sic] by Andrea Nenzel. May 24, 1986"; 2) "Sr. Andrea Nenzel - Meadow Lake Conference - May 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Emerging Women's Base Communities - A Presentation by Diann Neu - Meadow Lake Camp - Auberry, California - May 24, 1986"; 2) "Emerging Women's Base Communities. A presentation by Diann Neu. May 25, 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Lesbian Nuns and Exnuns. Nancy Manahan. CCL Conference III - 5-24-86"; 2) [Side A] "Session II - W.B," [Side B] "Nancy Manahan - Lesbian Nuns & Exnuns - May 25, 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two duplicate tapes: 1) "Side A - God's message to Women as expressed Through Jesus. A Workshop lead [sic] by Adrienne Lawler. May 25, 1986 - CCL Conf III. Meadow Lake Camp / Side B - The Humor of Being a Catholic Lesbian. A Workshop lead [sic] by Peg Cruikshank. May 25, 1986. CCL Conf. III. Meadow Lake Camp. Auberry, California"; 2) "Side A - God's Message to Women as Expressed through Jesus. Adrienne Lawler. May 25, 1986 / Side B - The Humor of Being a Catholic Lesbian. Peg Cruikshank. May 25, 1986." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Two-part presentation: 1) "Stories in our Souls - Tape 1 - A Presentation by Midge Miles - May 25, 1986"; 2) "Stories in our Souls - Tape 2 - A Presentation by Midge Miles - May 25, 1986." General Session presentation from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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Three duplicate tapes: 1) "Spirituality and Lesbian Relationships, Lorna Hochstein - Auberry, Calif. May 25, 1986" (the case insert also reads "Meadow Lake Camp. CCL Conf. III); 2) "Spirituality & Lesbian Relationships - Lorna Hochstein"; 3) "Lorna Hochstein." Workshop from the 1986 CCL Conference. May 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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"Beth Gorman Interview. 11/23/86. Show-Amazon Country. On the Issue of the Vatican Declaration of 10/30/86." External resource. 1986. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Envisioning the Future: Empowering Women Church." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Images of the Divine: Women & Power." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Spirituality: Women Stretching the Circle." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Art & Spirituality: Claiming Our Creative Power." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Interpreting Scripture: The Dilemma of Feminism & Fidelity." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Body Power: Claiming & Celebrating Body Woman." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Creating Liturgies with Women Church." External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"From: Women Church Conference 10/9-11/87 - Confronting Personal & Political Homophobia.” External resource. 1987. [Audiocassette] |
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"Bless You My Sister (Conference for Catholic Lesbians-1988) Marsie Silvestro." From the 1988 CCL Conference. May 1988. [Audiocassette] |
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"1991 - Call to Action National Conference - 210 - Keynote Address - Rosemary Ruether - The Church Isn't a Democracy, but Shouldn't It Be?" External resource. 1991. [Audiocassette] |
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"1993 National Conference - Call to Action - 93414-0350 Phelps, Sr. Jamie - The Trinitarian God and the Struggle for an Inclusive Church." External resource. 1993. [Audiocassette] |
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"1993 National Conference - Call to Action - 93414-0100 Curran, Charles - The Church, Morality, and Public Policy." External resource. 1993. [Audiocassette] |
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"Call to Action 1993 National Conference - 230 - Mary Hunt: Religious Violence: A Theological Perspective." External resource. 1993. [Audiocassette] |
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"Call to Action 1993 National Conference - 080 - Power in the Church: Moving from Abuse to Mutuality." External resource. 1993. [Audiocassette] |
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"Call to Action 1994 National Conference - 94414-0100 - Charles Curran- The Challenge of Catholicity in Church and Morality." External resource. 1994. [Audiocassette] |
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"Call to Action 1994 National Conference - 94414-0130 - Edwina Gateley - Authentic Conversion: Turning the World and the Church Upside Down." External resource. 1994. [Audiocassette] |
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"Call to Action 1994 National Conference - 94414-0190 - Rosemary Ruether - The Future Church According to the Gospels: How to Get There from Here." External resource. 1994. [Audiocassette] |
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"New Ways Ministry Symposium IV - March 7-9, 1997 - 97094-0020 - Plenary Session: Same-Sex Relations--An Ethical Perspective - Margaret Farley, RSM." External resource. 1997. [Audiocassette] |
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"New Ways Ministry Symposium IV - March 7-9, 1997 - 97094-0110 - Spirituality and Spiritual Direction - Christine Nusse; David Schimmel." External resource. 1997. [Audiocassette] |
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"New Ways Ministry Symposium IV - March 7-9, 1997 - 97094-0180 - Closing Reflections on Symposium IV - Joan Chittister, OSB." External resource. 1997. [Audiocassette] |
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"Dignity USA's 1997 Convention - 97108-0160 - Conference for Catholic Lesbians: Our Prophetic Vocation - Christine Nusse." External resource. 1997. [Audiocassette] |
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"Dignity USA's 1997 Convention - 97108-0142 - Plenary Session: Prophets to the World - Elizabeth Stuart (Tape 2.)" External resource. 1997. [Audiocassette] |
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Two tapes: 1) "Karen Doherty - 12/10/04 - Tape 1 Copy"; 2) "Karen Doherty - 12/10/04 - Tape 2 Copy." Parts one and two of an interview with Karen Doherty on CCL for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Religious Archive Oral History Project. December 10, 2004. [Audiocassette] |
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"NF39 - The Prophetic Role of Women in Western World Religions." External resource. Undated. [Audiocassette] |
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"Women as Prophetic Witnesses: Visions of Reform and Renewal" - [Side 1: "Dr. Doris Donnelly"; Side 2: "Rosemary Haughton."] External resource. Undated. [Audiocassette] |
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"Women as Prophetic Witnesses: Visions of Reform and Renewal" - [Side 1: "Sr. Theresa Kane, R.S.M"; Side 2: "Dr. Monika Hellwig."] External resource. Undated. [Audiocassette] |