Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 1 1 World War II, Appleton, WI, 18 April 1942
3 1 2 World War II, Rhinelander, WI, 21 May 1942
3 1 3 Radio Speech, Appleton, WI, 13 November 1945
3 1 4 Young Republican Convention, Eau Claire, WI, 2 May 1946
3 1 5 Memorial Day Address, No Location, 30 May 1946
3 1 6 Campaign Speech, No Location, 1 October 1946
3 1 7 Lincoln Day address on international slavery, Tulsa, OK, Published, 15 February 1947
3 1 8 Lincoln Day address on international slavery, Tulsa, OK, Drafts and Correspondence, 15 February 1947
3 1 9 Clover Club, Boston, MA, 15 March 1947
3 1 10 "Should the Communist Party Be Outlawed in the US?" Town Meeting broadcast (ABC), Published, 3 April 1947

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 1 11 "Should the Communist Party Be Outlawed in the US?" Town Meeting broadcast (ABC), Drafts and Correspondence, 3 April 1947
3 1 12 "Sugar Control," Congressional Record,  Washington DC, 13 May 1947
3 1 13 American Veterans of WWII, Des Moines, IA, 16 August 1947
3 1 14 Untitled housing speech (West Virginia radio), Published, 19 October 1947
3 1 15 Untitled housing speech (West Virginia radio), Drafts and Correspondence, 19 October 1947
3 1 16 “Marshall Plan” and “Slave Labor,” Beloit, WI, 5 February 1948
3 1 17 Board of Trade, Washington, DC, 16 March 1948
3 1 18 "Is Universal Military Training for Our Defense?" Town Meeting broadcast (ABC), Published, 30 March 1948
3 1 19 Is Universal Military Training for our Defense?" Town Meeting broadcast (ABC), Drafts and Correspondence, 30 March 1948
3 1 20 "Truman Administration," Devil's Lake, North Dakota, 16 May 1948 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 1 21 "What’s Wrong with Our Cities?" Town Meeting broadcast (ABC), 25 May 1948
3 1 22 Untitled forum speech, Muskegon, MI, 13 October 1948
3 1 23 Keneseth Israel Men’s Club, Philadelphia, PA, 18 October 1948
3 1 24 Stevens Point Chamber of Commerce (invitation), Stevens Point, WI, 6 November 1948
3 1 25 Southwestern Lumbermen’s Association, Kansas City, MO, 26 January 1949
3 1 26 "Japanese Woolen Glove Situation", United States Senate, 14 July 1949
3 1 27 Armistice Day Speech, Platteville, WI, 11 November 1949
3 1 28 Admiral Forest Sherman, United States Senate, 18 January 1950
3 1 29 Communism in the State Department, Wheeling, WV, Published, 9 February 1950
3 1 30 Communism in the State Department, Wheeling, WV, Drafts and Correspondence, 9 February 1950

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 1 31 81 Cases in State Department and Correspondence, United States Senate, 20 February 1950
3 1 32 Radio interview with Bert Andrews, Washington, DC, 4 March 1950
3 1 33 Marine Corps League, No Location, Published, 8 April 1950
3 1 34 Marine Corps League, No Location, Drafts and Correspondence, 8 April 1950
3 1 35 American Newspaper Editors Society, Washington, DC, 20 April 1950
3 1 36 Midwest Council of Young Republicans, Chicago, IL, 6 May 1950
3 1 37 Sons of the American Revolution, Atlantic City, NJ, 15 May 1950
3 1 38 Catholic Press Association, Rochester, NY, 25 May 1950
3 1 39 Memorial Day speech, West Allis, WI, Published, 30 May 1950
3 1 40 Memorial Day speech, West Allis, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 30 May 1950

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 1 41 Communists in the State Department, United States Senate, 2 June 1950
3 1 42 FBI Report on Communism in State Department, United States Senate, 6 June 1950
3 1 43 Republican State Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 9 June 1950
3 2 44 Republican State Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 9 June 1950
3 2 45 National Editorial Association, New London, CT, 15 June 1950
3 2 46 Situation in Korea, United States Senate, 6 July 1950
3 2 47 Communists in government service, Congressional Record, 12 July 1950
3 2 48 Edward Posniak, United States Senate, 25 July 1950
3 2 49 Isaac Walton League, Fond du Lac, WI, 30 July 1950
3 2 50 Wisconsin Retail Food Dealers Association, Milwaukee, WI, 6 August 1950

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 2 51 Military Order of the Purple Heart, Worcester, MA, 26 August 1950
3 2 1 Dodge County Republicans Club, Beaver Dam, WI, 30 August 1950
3 2 2 South Carolina Republican Convention, Charleston, SC, 1 September 1950
3 2 3 Columbia County Republican Club, Portage, WI, 9 September 1950
3 2 4 Republican rally, Wauwatosa, WI, 14 September, 1950
3 2 5 Americanism rally for the Military Order of the Purple Heart and Catholic War Veterans, Baltimore, MD, Published, 15 September 1950
3 2 6 Americanism rally for the Military Order of the Purple Heart and Catholic War Veterans, Baltimore, MD, Drafts and Correspondence, 15 September 1950
3 2 7 Campaign Speech On Tour, No Location, 16-18 September 1950
3 2 8 Republican rally, Hyattsville, MD, 22 September 1950
3 2 9 Republican rally, Los Angeles, CA, Published, 28 September 1950

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 2 10 Republican rally, Los Angeles, CA, Drafts and Correspondence, 28 September 1950
3 2 11 Western Railway Club, Chicago, IL, Published, 2 October 1950
3 2 12 Western Railway club, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 2 October 1950
3 2 13 Indiana Republican Editorial Association, Indianapolis, IN, 7 October 1950
3 2 14 San Diego County Republican Women's Federation, San Diego, CA, 10 October 1950
3 2 15 Fragment, Congressional Record appendix, 20 October 1950
3 2 16 Infiltration of Scientific Profession, United States Senate, 20 October 1950
3 2 17 Steuben Society, Chicago, IL, 21 October 1950
3 2 18 Radio broadcast on Liberty Broadcast System, Washington, DC, 30 October 1950
3 2 19 Campaign speech, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 6 November 1950

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 2 20 Campaign speech, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 6 November 1950
3 2 21 Korean Speech and Correspondence, United States Senate, Published, 6 December 1950
3 2 22 Korean Speech and Correspondence, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 6 December 1950
3 2 23 David Korr, United States Senate, 10 December 1950
3 2 24 Drew Pearson, United States Senate, 14 December 1950
3 2 25 Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan, IL, Published, 18 January 1951
3 2 26 Chamber of Commerce, Waukegan, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 18 January 1951
3 2 27 25th Women's Patriotic Conference on National Defense, Washington, DC, Published, 26 January 1951
3 2 28 25th Women's Patriotic Conference on National Defense, Washington, DC, Drafts and Correspondence, 26 January 1951
3 2 29 Milwaukee County Republican Club, Milwaukee, WI, 27 January 1951
3 2 30 Kansas Day Club, Topeka, Kansas, 29 January 1951

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 2 31 Lincoln Day, No Location, Published, February 1951
3 2 32 Lincoln Day, No Location, Drafts and Correspondence, February 1951
3 2 33 Foreign policy speech, United States Senate, 14 March 1951
3 2 34 McArthur speech, Cudahy, WI, Published, 23 April 1951
3 2 35 McArthur speech, Cudahy, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 23 April 1951
3 2 36 American Legion Red Cloud Post, No Location, Published, 29 April 1951
3 2 37 American Legion Red Cloud Post, No Location, Drafts and Correspondence, 29 April 1951
3 2 38 Young Republicans Convention, Wausau, WI, 5 May 1951
3 2 39 Chamber of Commerce, Marshfield, WI, 12 May 1951
3 2 40 General George Marshall, United States Senate, 14 June 1951

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 2 41 United States Marine Corps, 5th Division, New York, NY, Published, 16 June 1951
3 2 42 United States Marine Corps, 5th Division, New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 16 June 1951
3 3 1 National Convention of Young Republicans, Boston, MA, 19 June 1951
3 3 2 Meet the Press (NBC Television), 7 August 1951
3 3 3 Disclosure of Security Risks, United States Senate, 9 August 1951
3 3 4 Reply to President Truman, Congressional Record, Published, 23 August 1951
3 3 5 Reply to President Truman, National Televised Speech, Drafts and Correspondence, 23 August 1951
3 3 6 National Convention Veteran’s Foreign Wars, New York, NY, August 1951
3 3 7 Speech on Acheson-Poland-Korea, Ramage Park, WV, 9 September 1951
3 3 8 Marine Corps League, 19 September 1951

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 3 9 Newspaper Advertisers Association, Manchester, NH, 16 October 1951
3 3 10 American Legion, Minot, ND, 26 October 1954
3 3 11 Keep Posted WTTG Transcript, 1 January 1952
3 3 12 Meet the Press National Broadcasting System, No Location, 1 January 1952
3 3 13 Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, 19 January 1952
3 3 14 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Appleton, WI, 21 January 1952
3 3 15 Clark County Republican Club, Thorp, WI, 26 January 1952
3 3 16 Republican Voluntary Committee of Barron County, Rice Lake, WI, 27 January 1952
3 3 17 Lincoln Day Speech, No Location, February 1952

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 3 18 Senior and Junior Chamber of Commerce, Hartford, CT, 2 February 1952
3 3 19 Wisconsin Seed Dealers Association, Milwaukee, WI, 4 February 1952
3 3 20 Millburn-Short Hills Republican Club, Millburn, NJ, 8 February 1952
3 3 21 Republican Women’s Club, Wheeling, WV, 9 February 1952
3 3 22 Women’s Republican Club, Tulsa, OK, 10 February 1952
3 3 23 Lincoln Day Dinner, Fond du Lac, WI, 12 February 1952
3 3 24 Southside Advancement Association, Milwaukee, WI, 13 February 1952
3 3 25 Republican State Committee, Laramie, WY, 14 February 1952
3 3 26 Young Republicans, Cut Bank, MT, 15 February 1952
3 3 27 Lincoln Day Dinner, Bellingham, Washington, 16 February 1952

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 3 28 Utah Press Association, Salt Lake City, UT, 17 February 1952
3 3 29 Republican Central Committee, Bakersfield, CA, 18 February 1952
3 3 30 Veteran’s Chow, Rhinelander, WI, 23 February 1952
3 3 31 University of Minnesota Young Republicans, Minneapolis, MN, 8 March 1952
3 3 32 Neville-Dunn Post American Legion, Milwaukee WI, 17 March 1952
3 3 33 Author meets the critics, Dumont Television Network, 20 March 1952
3 3 34 University of Connecticut Washington Alumnae, Washington DC, 27 March 1952
3 3 35 Young Republican Club, Smith College, Hampton, MA, 10 April 1952
3 3 36 Mock political convention, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Published, 25 April 1952
3 3 37 Mock political convention, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 25 April 1952

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 3 38 Republicans of Douglas County, Superior, WI, 3 May 1952
3 3 39 Hot Seat Television Show, New York, NY, 16 May 1952
3 3 40 Capital Memo broadcast (Gannett News Service), Washington DC, 18 May 1952
3 3 41 War Veterans Republican Club of Ohio, Columbus, OH, 2 June 1952
3 3 42 Republican National Convention, Chicago, IL, 9 July 1952
3 3 43 America’s retreat from victory, Congressional Record, 14 June 1952
3 3 44 Meet the press correspondence, NBC Television, 6 August 1952
3 3 45 Pro America Republican Women, Seattle, WA, 27 August 1952
3 4 1 Primary campaign speech, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 3 September 1952
3 4 2 Primary campaign speech, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 3 September 1952

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 4 3 Republican national convention, Chicago, IL, 9 July 1952
3 4 4 Wisconsin Buttermakers Association, Chippewa Falls, WI, 15 October 1952
3 4 5 Youth wants to know correspondence, NBC Television, 19 October 1952
3 4 6 Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion, Indianapolis, IN, Published, 20 October 1952
3 4 7 Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion, Indianapolis, IN, Drafts and Correspondence, 20 October 1952
3 4 8 Campaign speech, Chicago, IL, Published, 27 October 1952
3 4 9 Campaign speech, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 27 October 1952
3 4 10 Campaign speech, Appleton, WI, Published, 3 November 1952
3 4 11 Campaign speech, Appleton, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 3 November 1952
3 4 12 “Capital memo!” Gannet Broadcasting, Washington DC, 9 December 1952

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 4 13 Correspondence for TV appearances, No Location, January 1953
3 4 14 Speech, United States Senate, Published, 25 March 1953
3 4 15 Speech, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 25 March 1953
3 4 16 New York Athletic Club, New York, NY, 28 March 1953, Correspondence only
3 4 17 Correspondence for reporters’ roundup appearance, Mutual Broadcasting System, 13 April 1953
3 4 18 United Businessman’s Association, Philadelphia, PA, 28 April 1953
3 4 19 Wisconsin Republican Convention, Madison, WI, Published, 13 June 1953
3 4 20 Wisconsin Republican Convention, Madison, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 13 June 1953
3 4 21 Old time clam bake, Syracuse, NY, 21 June 1953
3 4 22 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Milwaukee, WI, 3 August 1953

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 4 23 Marine Corps League, Cleveland, OH, Published, 20 August 1953
3 4 24 Marine Corps League, Cleveland, OH, Drafts and Correspondence, 20 August 1953
3 4 25 American Legion, St. Louis, MO, 28 August 1953
3 4 26 Hager Reunion Association, Logan, WV, 1 September 1953
3 4 27 Institute of Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supply Associations, New York, NY, Published, 23 September 1953
3 4 28 Institute of Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supply Associations, New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 23 September 1953
3 4 29 American Legion, New York, NY, Published, 25 September 1953
3 4 30 American Legion, New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 25 September 1953
3 4 31 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Washington DC, 26 September 1953
3 4 32 American Legion, Cumberland, WI, 6 October 1953

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 4 33 Middletown Republican Club, Leonardo, NJ, 21 October 1953
3 4 34 American Bakers Association, Chicago, IL, Published, 28 October 1953
3 4 35 American Bakers Association, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 28 October 1953
3 4 36 Maricopa County Republican Committee, Phoenix, AZ, 29 October 1953
3 4 37 Pima County Republican Committee, Tucson, AZ, 30 October 1953
3 4 38 Chamber of Commerce, Monroe, WI, 3 November 1953
3 4 39 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Kennebunk, ME, 14 November 1953
3 4 40 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Bangor, ME, 15 November 1953
3 4 41 Knights of Columbus, Dover, NH, 18 November 1953
3 4 42 Chamber of Commerce, Marshfield, WI, 19 November 1953 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 4 43 National television and radio speech, New York, NY, 24 November 1953
3 4 44 Sacred Heart Academy, Philadelphia, PA, 6 December 1953
3 4 45 Correspondence on television appearance, National Broadcasting Corporation, 11 December 1953 
3 4 46 Current Affairs Club, Richmond, VA, 10 December 1953
3 5 1 Meet the Press (NBC Television), 13 December 1953
3 5 2 Executive Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Published, 18 December 1953 
3 5 3 Executive Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 18 December 1953
3 5 4 Voice of America, United States Senate, c. 1953
3 5 5 Advertising Distributors, Philadelphia, PA, 10 January 1954 
3 5 6 Southside Milwaukee Junior Chamber of Commerce, Milwaukee, WI, 20 January 1954

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 5 7 Cicero Manufactures Association, Chicago, IL, 21 January 1954 
3 5 8 Manufacturers Association, Lancaster, PA, 29 January 1954 
3 5 9 Catholic War Veterans, New York, NY, 30 January 1954 
3 5 10 Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Post American Legion, New York, NY, 30 January 1954
3 5 11 Lincoln Day Celebration, Charleston, WV, 4 February 1954
3 5 12 Lincoln Day Dinner, Canton, OH, 5 February 1954
3 5 13 Lincoln Day Dinner, Mt. Clemons, MI, 6 February 1954
3 5 14 Lincoln Day Dinner, Madison, WI, 7 February 1954
3 5 15 Lincoln Day Dinner, Aberdeen, SD, 8 February 1954
3 5 16 First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, CA, 9 February 1954

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 5 17 Present Day Club Luncheon, Riverside, CA, 10 February 1954
3 5 18 Lincoln Day Celebration, San Mateo, CA, 10 February 1954
3 5 19 Republican Party of Texas, Dallas, TX, Published, 11 February 1954
3 5 20 Republican Party of Texas, Dallas, TX, Drafts and Correspondence, 11 February 1954
3 5 21 Traffic Club of New York, NY, Published, 18 February 1954
3 5 22 Traffic Club of New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 18 February 1954 
3 5 23 American Legion, Amityville, NY, 20 February 1954
3 5 24 Sons of American Revolution, Philadelphia, PA, 22 February 1954 
3 5 25 Interview with Fulton Lewis Jr., Washington, DC, 11 March 1954
3 5 26 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Manitowoc, WI, 13 March 1954 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
3 5 27 Irish Fellowship Club, Chicago, IL, 17 March 1954 
3 5 28 Automobile Dealers, Chicago, IL, 18 March 1954 
3 5 29 Young Republicans, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 19 March 1954
3 5 30 Young Republicans, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 19 March 1954 
3 5 31 Lincoln Day Dinner, Oklahoma City, OK, 20 March 1954
3 5 32 Beacon Society of Boston, Boston, MA, Published, 3 April 1954
3 5 33 Beacon Society of Boston, Boston, MA, Drafts and Correspondence, 3 April 1954
3 5 34 Police Holy Name Society, New York, NY, 4 April 1954
3 5 35 See It Now (CBS Television), 6 April 1954
3 5 36 San Jacinto Day, San Jacinto, TX, 21 April 1954 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  5  37 Wisconsin Women’s Press Club, Milwaukee, WI, 24 April 1954 
 3  5  38 Knight’s of the Round Table, Milwaukee, WI, 24 April 1954
 3  5  39 May Day, U.S. Way, Burlington, WI, 1 May 1954
 3  5  40 Correspondence on television appearances, National Broadcasting Association, 7 May 1954
 3  5  41 Republican Rally, Wausau, WI, 8 May 1954 
 3  5  42 National Association of Plumbing Contractors, Washington DC, 12 May 1954  
 3  5  43 Speech on Communism, United States Senate, 19 May 1954 
 3  5  44 Chamber of Commerce, Fort Atkinson, WI, 22 May 1954  
 3  5  45 Centennial Celebration, Ripon, WI, 5 June 1954
 3  5  46 Republican Convention, Milwaukee, WI, 12 June 1954  

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  5  47 Testimonial dinner for Roy Cohn, 28 July 1954 
 3  5  48 Catholic Day, Johnstown, PA, 1 August 1954 
 3  6  1 100th anniversary of Republican Party, San Diego, California, Published, 28 August 1954
 3  6  2 100th anniversary of Republican Party, San Diego, California, Drafts and Correspondence, 28 August 1954  
 3  6  3 Telegrams reacting to Meet the Press appearance, National Broadcasting Corporation, 3 October 1954 
 3  6  4 Face the Nation (CBS Television), 5 November 1954 
 3  6  5 McCarthy Testimonial Dinner, Milwaukee, WI, 13 November 1954  
 3  6  6 Army and Navy Union, Newark, NJ, 22 January 1955 
 3  6  7 Junior Chamber of Commerce, Green Bay, WI, 10 February 1955 
 3  6  8 Lincoln Day Dinner, Appleton, WI, 11 February 1955  

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  6 Lincoln Day Speech, Chicago, IL, Published, 12 February 1955
 3  6 10 Lincoln Day Speech, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 12 February 1955
 3  6 11  Lincoln Day Dinner, Bridgeport, CT, 14 February 1955 
 3  6 12 Republican Rally, Westmoreland County, Greensburg, PA, 15 February 1955 
 3  6 13  Knights of Columbus, Kenosha, WI, 27 February 1955 
 3  6 14 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Everett, MA, 13 March 1955 
 3  6 15  Yalta Agreement, United States Senate, Published, 16 March 1955
 3  6 16 Yalta Agreement, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 16 March 1955
 3  6 17 Horicon Centennial Celebration, Horicon, WI, 26 March 1955 
 3  6 18 Quemoy and Matsu, United States Senate, 28 March 1955

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  6  19 Rabbi Benjamin Schultz Testimonial Dinner, Published, 20 April 1955
 3  6  20 Rabbi Benjamin Schultz Testimonial Dinner, Drafts and Correspondence, 20 April 1955
 3  6  21 40 & 8, West Bend, WI, 23 April 1955
 3  6  22 Hamilton County Building & Loan Association, Cincinnati, OH, 27 April 1955
 3  6  23 Conservative Citizens Committee, Minneapolis, MN, 28 April 1955 
 3  6  24 Knights of Columbus, New Castle, DE, 30 April 1955
 3  6  25 Queen’s County American Legion, New York, NY, Published, 1 May 1955
 3  6  26 Queen’s County American Legion, New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 May 1955
 3  6  27 Defense of Quemoy and Matsus, United States Senate, Published, 11 May 1955
 3  6  28 Defense of Quemoy and Matsus, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 11 May 1955

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  6  29 Catholic War Veterans, Appleton, WI, Published, 14 May 1955
 3  6  30 Catholic War Veterans, Appleton, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 14 May 1955 
 3  6  31 Greater Buffalo Advertising Club, Buffalo, NY, Published, 24 May 1955
 3  6  32 Greater Buffalo Advertising Club, Buffalo, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 24 May 1955
 3  6  33 Niagara Republican Club, Niagara Falls, NY, 25 May 1955
 3  6  34 Big Four Conference, United States Senate, 26 May 1955 
 3  6  35 McCarthy Day speech, Boscobel, WI, Published, 4 June 1955
 3  6  36 McCarthy Day speech, Boscobel, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 4 June 1955 
 3  7  1 Communism, United States Senate, Published, 16 June 1955
 3  7  2 Communism, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 16 June 1955 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  7  3 Big Four Conference, United States Senate, 20 June 1955
 3  7  4 Senate Resolution 116, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Published, 21 June 1955
 3  7  5 Senate Resolution 116, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Drafts and Correspondence, 21 June 1955
 3  7  6 Wisconsin Republican Convention, Published, 25 June 1955 
 3  7  7 Wisconsin Republican Convention, Drafts and Correspondence, 25 June 1955
 3  7  8 Big Four Conference, WGN Broadcast, 1 July 1955
 3  7  9 Senate Resolution 126, United States Senate, Published, 11 July 1955 
 3  7  10 Senate Resolution 126, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 11 July 1955 
 3  7  11 Communism, United States Senate, Published, 20 July 1955
 3  7  12 Communism, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 20 July 1955 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  7  13 Geneva Conference, United States Senate, Published, 26 July 1955 
 3  7  14 Geneva Conference, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 26 July 1955 
 3  7  15 Senate Resolution 141, United States Senate, Published, 28 July 1955
 3  7  16 Senate Resolution 141, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 28 July 1955
 3  7  17 Review of Peace Conference, United States Senate, Published, 1 August 1955
 3  7  18 Review of Peace Conference, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 August 1955
 3  7  19 Asia, United States Senate, 25 August 1955 
 3  7  20 Boston Arena, Boston, MA, Published, 30 October 1955
 3  7  21 Boston Arena, Boston, MA, Drafts and Correspondence, 30 October 1955
 3  7  22 Reporter’s Roundup (Mutual Broadcasting System), 14 November 1955

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  7  23 Food for the Republic, Chicago, IL, Published, 5 December 1955 
 3  7  24 Food for the Republic, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 5 December 1955
 3  8  1 Municipal Theatre, Tulsa, OK, 7 December 1955
 3  8  2 Municipal Theatre, Tulsa, OK, 7 December 1955
 3  8  3 Manion Forum of Opinion (Mutual Broadcasting System), Published, 8 January 1956
 3  8  4 Manion Forum of Opinion (Mutual Broadcasting System), Drafts and Correspondence, 8 January 1956 
 3  8  5 WIND Broadcast, Chicago, IL, Published, 15 January 1956 
 3  8  6 WIND Broadcast, Chicago, IL, Drafts and Correspondence, 15 January 1956
 3  8  7 Religion in Eastern Europe, United States Senate, 20 January 1956
 3  8  8 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 22 January 1956 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  8  9 Harris-Fulbright Gas Act, WDOR Broadcast, 3 February 1956 
 3  8  10 Kamin Trial, United States Senate, Published, 16 February 1956 
 3  8  11 Kamin Trial, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 16 February 1956
 3  8  12 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 18 February 1956 
 3  8  13 "For America" Rally, New York, NY, Published, 22 February 1956
 3  8  14 "For America" Rally, New York, NY, Drafts and Correspondence, 22 February 1956 
 3  8  15 Dairy prices Supports, United States Senate, Published, 2 March 1956 
 3  8  16 Dairy prices Supports, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 2 March 1956 
 3  8  17 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 18 March 1956  
 3  8  18 Denunciation of Stalin, United States Senate, Published, 22 March 1956 

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  8  19 Denunciation of Stain, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 22 March 1956
 3  8  20 Neuberger’s attack on Secretary McKay, United States Senate, 23 March 1956 
 3  8  21 Nelson case, United States Senate, Published, 11 April 1956
 3  8  22 Nelson case, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 11 April 1956  
 3  8  23 Hibernians, New York, NY, 15 April 1956 
 3  8  24 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 15 April 1956 
 3  8  25 Furry Case, United States Senate, 18 April 1956
 3  8  26 Missile Gap, United States Senate, Published, 25 April 1956 
 3  8  27 Missile Gap, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 25 April 1956 
 3  8  28 American Legion, Bridgeport, CT, Published, 1 May 1956

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  8  29 American Legion, Bridgeport, CT, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 May 1956
 3  8  30 Young Republicans, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 5 May 1956 
 3  9  1 S.3603, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 11 May 1956 
 3  9  2 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 13 May 1956 
 3  9  3 GOP Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 26 May 1956
 3  9  4 GOP Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 26 May 1956
 3  9  5 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 7 June 1956 
 3  9  6 Supreme Court, United States Senate, Published, 14 June 1956 
 3  9  7 Supreme Court, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 14 June 1956
 3  9  8 Senate Resolution 75, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 20 June 1956

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  9  9 S. 4001 Folder 1, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 20 June 1956
 3  9  10 S. 4001 Folder 2, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 20 June 1956 
 3  9  11 S. 4051, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 26 June 1956 
 3  9  12 Yugoslavia, United States Senate, Published, 28 June 1956
 3  9  13 Yugoslavia, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 28 June 1956 
 3  9  14 Mutual Security Act, United States Senate, 29 June 1956 
 3  9  15 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 5 July 1956  
 3  9  16 Hoffman Case, United States Senate, Published, 11 July 1956
 3  9  17 Hoffman Case, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 11 July 1956 
 3  9  18 More on Hoffman case, United States Senate, Published, 19 July 1956

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  9  19 More on Hoffman case, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 19 July 1956
 3  9  20 WIWO Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 22 July 1956  
 3  9  21 Aid to Yugoslavia, United States Senate, Published, 24 July 1956
 3  9  22 Aid to Yugoslavia, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 24 July 1956 
 3  9  23 Reporters Roundup Broadcast, Washington DC, Published, 5 August 1956
 3  9  24 Reporters Roundup Broadcast, Washington DC, Drafts and Correspondence, 5 August 1956 
 3  9  25 WIND Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 14 October, 1956  
 3  9  26 Republican Rally, Land O Lakes, Wisconsin, 20 October 1956
 3  9  27 West Allis Republican Club, Milwaukee, WI, 25 October 1956
 3  9  28 Republican Rally, Kenosha, WI, 29 October 1956

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  9 29  WXIX Broadcast, Milwaukee, WI, 1 November 1956  
 3  9 30 St. Lawrence Rectory, Alma, WI, 26 November 1956 
 3  9 31 Rumored Tito Visit, United States Senate, Published, 1 February 1957
 3  9 32 Rumored Tito Visit, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 February 1957
 3  10   1 Wisconsin GOP Club, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 9 February 1957
 3  10   2 Wisconsin GOP Club, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 9 February 1957
 3  10   3 WGN Broadcast, Chicago, IL, 9 February 1957
 3  10   4 Middle East Resolution, United States Senate, Published, 1 March 1957
 3  10  5 Middle East Resolution, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 March 1957 
 3  10  6 Racine County Republican Club, Racine, WI, Published, 18 March 1957

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  10  7 Racine County Republican Club, Racine, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 18 March 1957 
 3  10  8 Middle East Resolution, United States Senate, 20 March 1957
 3  10   9 Zwicker case, United States Senate, Published, 1 April 1957
 3  10  10 Zwicker case, United States Senate, Drafts and Correspondence, 1 April 1957 
 3  10  11 Wisconsin Wholesale Beer Distributor’s Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Published, 3 April 1957
 3  10 12 Wisconsin Wholesale Beer Distributor’s Convention, Milwaukee, WI, Drafts and Correspondence, 3 April 1957
3  10 13 General Correspondence, December-May 1947, Columbia Broadcasting System, Washington DC
3  10 14 General Correspondence, April-September 1947, Clark H. Getts, Inc., New York, New York
3  10 15 General Correspondence, January-May 1948, Clark H. Getts, Inc., New York, New York
3  10 16 General Correspondence, April-May 1948, American Broadcasting Corp., New York, New York
3  10 17 General Correspondence, September 1948, Mortgage Bankers Association, New York, New York

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  10 18 General Correspondence, November 1948, November Speeches, No Location
 3  10 19 General Correspondence, March 1949, Board of Trade, Washington DC
 3  10  20 General Correspondence, February 1949-August 1950, Clark H. Getts, Inc., New York, New York
 3  10  21 General Correspondence, c.1950, Metropolitan Broadcasting System, New York, New York
 3  10 22 General Correspondence, June-July 1953, Television Appearances, No Location
 3  11 1 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Correspondence, December 1950-September 1952 
 3  11 2 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Correspondence, October 1952-November 1952
 3  11 3 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Undated, Outlines 
 3  11 4 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Undated, Newspaper Clippings 
 3  11 5 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, c.1951-1952, Materials on Senate Bill No. 102

Series 3

Series Box Folder Folder Title
 3  11 6 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Misc. Research Materials and Reports, c. 1946-1952
 3  11 7 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Misc. Research Materials and Reports, c. 1946-1952
 3  11 8 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Misc. Research Materials and Reports, c. 1946-1952
 3  11 9 Adali Stevenson Research Materials, Undated, Speech Materials