Topics: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 T1 to T14 - Topics: Acolytes to Moving
6-1 - - Topics: N
6-1 T14 24 Needlework -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School and Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis -- St. Francis Mission School [65000], 1940, 1945, 1947, 1949, undated (ca. 1910-1940)
6-1 T14 25 Nurses -- South Dakota --Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [56300], 1944, 1947, undated (ca. 1930-1950)
6-1 T14 26 Nursing and Emergency Medical Care -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation,Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [56310], 1940, undated (ca. 1930-1950)
6-1 - - Topics: O
6-1 - - Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament -- see -- Topical Files: Sisters (Nuns) -- Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament [68400], undated
6-1 T14 27 Oglala Sioux Tribal Government -- 50th Anniversary Celebration -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge [57000], 1986
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Biographical Files: Various Individuals, A-Z, Topical Files: Ceremonies (Rites) -- Installation of Oglala Sioux Tribe President Gerald One Feather [09301]; and Topical Files: Oversize -- Oglala Sioux Tribe -- 50th Anniversary Celebration [57000]
6-1 T14 28 Outdoor Education -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation? [58000], 1974?

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: P
6-1 T15 1 Parades -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [59200], 1954, undated
6-1 - - Peace Awards (Indian Peace Medals) [29000] -- see --Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Indian Peace Medals (Peace Awards) [29000]
6-1 - - Peace Pipes (Calumets) -- see --Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Pipe Ceremony (Calumets) [60000]
6-1 - - Periodicals [59300], 1949
6-1 - - Photography
6-1 T15 2
South Dakota -- General [19100], 1944, ca. 1954, undated Elsewhere -- Unknown [19100], undated
6-1 T15 3 Physical Education -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [59450], undated
6-1 - - Picnicking
6-1 T15 4
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [59500], 1931, 1939, 1944, 1946, 1958, 1966, undated (ca. 1920s-1960s)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Baseball[04300 to 04302], Bun Time [07075], Dinners and Dining [15310], Feasts [19150], and Topical Files: Oversize -- Dinners and Dining [15310]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: P, continued
6-1 T15 5 Picture-writing (Calendars, Chronologies, and Winter Counts) -- South Dakota -- General [04700], 1873, 1887-1888, 1890-1891, 1910, 1918, [includes copy prints from other repositories]
6-1 - - Pipe Ceremony (Calumets)
6-1 T15 6
Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Church [60000], 1975, 1986,undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Ceremonies (Rites) --Dedication of Prayer Walk -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [61125] and Oglala Sioux Tribal Government -- 50th Anniversary Celebration [57000], and Topical Files: Oversize -- Pipe Ceremony (Calumets) -- Unidentified/Unknown [60000]
6-1 T15 7 Playing Cards -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [60500], undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T15 8 Playing Indians (Appropriating Native American dress) -- South Dakota --Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [60660], 1930-1931, undated (ca. 1930-1931)
- - -
See also -- Topical Files: Jesuits -- Groups -- Scholastics [39211]
6-1 T15 9 Pottery Class -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [60700], 1939, 1945, undated
- - -
See also Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Art Class [2200]
6-1 - - Powwows (Wacipi)
6-1 T15 10
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [60900], 1907, 1938, 1940, 1944-1945, undated (ca. 1930-1970)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: Oglala Fair [25800] under South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, General, Topical Files: Circus Sarrasani (Wild West Show) [11450], Indian Dancers [28400 to 28403], Indian Dances [28500 to 28503], and narrower terms (specific dances), A-Z, and Topical Files: Oversize -- Powwows (Wacipi), Sun Dance, and Buffalo Bill's Wild West [06800]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: P, continued
6-1 T15 11 Prayers -- Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [61003], 1931, 1960, 1965, undated
6-1 T15 12 Prayer Meeting -- Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Oglala [61100], 1942
6-1 T15 13 Prayer Walk -- Good Friday -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation [61200], 1977, 1985, 1986
6-1 T15 14 Processions -- South Dakota --Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [61250], undated
6-1 - - Prom -- High School -- South Dakota --Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T15 15
[61301], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T15 16
[61302], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T15 17
[61303], undated (ca. 1971-1980)
- - -
See also --Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Religious Processions -- Catholic Church [11400]
6-1 - - Topics: Q
6-1 T15 18 Quilting -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [62000], 1940, undated (1950s-1960s)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R
6-1 - - Recreational Activities
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 - -
6-1 T16 1
[63702], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T16 2
[63703], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T16 3
[63704], undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T16 4
[63705], 1960, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T16 5
[63706], 1966, undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T16 6
[63707], 1970-1971, undated (ca. 1971-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R, continued
6-1 - - Recreational Activities
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, continued
6-1 - -
6-1 T16 7
[63801], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T16 8
[63803], 1939-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T16 9
[63804], undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T16 10
[63805], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T16 11
[63806], 1962, 1966, undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T16 12
[63807], 1970-1971, undated (ca. 1971-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R, continued
6-1 - - Recreational Activities
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, continued
6-1 - -
Mixed Groups (Boys and Girls)
6-1 T16 13
[63902],1924, 1928, undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T16 14
[63903], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T16 15
[63904], 1942, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T16 16
[63905], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T16 17
[63906], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T16 18
[63907], 1971, undated (ca. 1971-1980)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: Playground [60200] under South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, Topical Files: Picnicking [59500] and narrower terms (specific activities), A-Z, and Topical Files: Oversize -- Recreational Activities [63706 to 63906]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R, continued
6-1 - - Religious Processions -- Catholic Church [64000]
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 T16 19
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, 1891, 1937, 1940, 1947, 1949, undated
6-1 T16 20
Pine Ridge Reservation -- General, [64001] undated
6-1 T16 21
Unidentified/Unknown, [64002] undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Corpus Christi Celebrations -- Catholic Church [12800 to 12802]
6-1 T16 22 Retreats, Spiritual (Spiritual retreats, Lay retreats) -- Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School and Elsewhere, 1930-1931, 1934-1935,undated (ca. 1920s-1950s) [65075]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: St. Joseph Society and St. Mary Society -- Pine Ridge Reservation, General [71075] and Sodalities[69300 to 69303]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R, continued
6-1 - - Rites and Ceremonies -- see -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Ceremonies (Rites), Funeral Services, Military -- United States Armed Forces, Pipe Ceremony (Calumets), Oglala Sioux Tribal Government,Prayers, Prayer Meeting, Prayer Walk, Religious Processions, and Vision Quests
6-1 - - Rodeos
6-1 T16 23
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation [65300], 1945-1946, undated(1940s-1970s)
6-1 - -
6-1 T16 24
Missouri -- St. Louis -- Roy Rogers Rodeo [65301], 1947
6-1 T16 25
Unknown [65302], undated
6-1 T16 26 Round Dance (Scalp dance, squaw dance or woman's dance) -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [14900], 1908
6-1 - - Topics: S
6-1 T17 1 St. [Saint] Mary Society and St. Joseph Society (Confraternities; Sodalities)-- Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [71075], 1931, 1946-1947. undated (1910s?-1940s?)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Catholic Sioux Congress [08701 to 08707] and Sodalities [69300 to 69303]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
      Schools -- see -- various subjects and locations in Biographical, Geographical and Topical files
6-1 T17 2 Science Class and Lab -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [67700], 1939, 1945-1946, 1974, 1985, undated (1940s-1960s)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- Science Class and Lab -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [67700]
- - - Seminaries and Convents -- see -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: Oversize -- Nebraska -- O'Neil -- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent [67800]
6-1 - - Sewing Class
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 T17 3
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [68000], 1945, undated (1950s-1960s)
6-1 T17 4
Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis -- St. Francis Mission Indian School [68002], 1942
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Quilting [62000]
- - - Shoe Industry -- see -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: Shoemaker (Cobbler) Shop [11775] under South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T17 5 Shrines -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [68200], undated (1930s-1950s)
6-1 - - Sisters (Nuns)
6-1 T17 6
Benedictine Sisters -- North Dakota [68300], undated [copy prints from other repositories]
6-1 T17 7
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, and Pine Ridge Reservation [68400], 1939, 1956, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Sisters (Nuns), continued
6-1 - -
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, and Pine Ridge Reservation -- General
6-1 - -
6-1 T17 8
[68500], 1917, undated (ca. 1888-1920)
6-1 T17 9
[68501], 1928, 1938, undated (ca.1921-1940)
6-1 T17 10
[68502], 1945, 1961, undated (ca.1941-1980)
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Unidentified/Unknown
6-1 T17 11
[68602], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T17 12
[68604], undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T17 13
[68606], 1961-1970
6-1 T17 14
With Jesuits [68607], undated
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School
6-1 - -
Groups [68608], 1940, 1947, 1950, 1952-1957, 1963
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Identified (Agatha Faimon, Teresa Bele) and Unidentified [68609], 1953, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 T17 17 Slaughtering -- Unidentified/Unknown [68700], undated [copy prints from other repositories]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Cattle [09000]
6-1 T17 18 Sleds -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School , and St. Francis Mission -- St. Francis, Rosebud Reservation [68803], undated
6-1 T17 19 Social Sciences Study and Teaching -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [69200], 1948

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Sodalities (Confraternities) -- Catholic Church -- Immaculate Conception Sodality -- South Dakota
6-1 T17 -
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T17 20
[69300], 1927, 1929-1930, undated (ca. 1922-1930)
6-1 T17 21
[69301], 1938-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T17 22
[69302], 1942, 1944-1948, undated (ca. 1941-1951)
6-1 T17 23
[69303], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Catholic Sioux Congress [08701 to 08709] and St. Mary Society and St. Joseph Society[71075]
- - - Soldiers -- see -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Military -- United States Armed Forces [53050, 53850 to 53855]
6-1 - - Speech Team
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T17 25
[69702], 1943, undated (ca. 1941-1969)
6-1 T17 26
[69703], undated (ca. 1970)
- - -
See also -- Elocution -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [18000]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
- - - Sports -- 00 -- see --Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Picnicking [59500] and specific sports, A-Z
6-1 T18 1 Student Council -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [71506], 1962
6-1 - - Students
6-1 T18 2
With Jesuits -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [71350], 1938-1940, 1947-1948, 1964, undated
6-1 - -
With Sisters
6-1 T18 3
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity [71400] -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, 1939-1940, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Preschool
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T18 5
[71704], 1945, undated (ca. 1940-1950)
6-1 T18 6
[71705], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T18 7
[71706], 1969-1970, undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T18 8
[71707], undated (ca. 1971-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Kindergarten
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T18 10
[71802], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T18 11
[71803], 1939, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T18 12
[71804], 1944, undated (ca.1941-1950)
6-1 T18 13
[71806], 1966, 1968, undated (ca. 1960-1969)
6-1 T18 14
[71807], 1977-1978, undated (ca. 1970-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Primary Level (grades 1-3)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T18 16
[71900], undated, (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T18 17
[71901], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T18 18
[71902], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T18 19
[71903], 1937-1940, undated
6-1 T18 20-21
[71904], 1942, 1944-1947, 1949, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T18 22
[71905], 1952, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T19 1-2
[71906], 1965-1967, 1969, undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T19 3
[71907], 1970-1975, 1978-1979, undated (ca. 1970-1979)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Intermediate Level (grades 4-5)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T19 5
[72000], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T19 6
[72001], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T19 7
[72002], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T19 8
[72003], 1939-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T19 9
[72004], 1941-1942, 1944-1945, 1947, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T19 10
[72005], 1960, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T19 11
[72006], 1969, undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T19 12
[72007],1970-1971, 1977-1979 1970-1980, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Middle Level (grades 6-8)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T19 14
[72100], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T19 15
[72101], 1914, undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T19 16
[72102], 1930, undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T19 17
[72103], 1931-1933, 1938-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T20 1
[72104], 1941-1950, undated
6-1 T20 2
[72105], 1952, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T20 3
[72106], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T20 4
[72107], 1971-1973, 1977, undated (ca. 1971-1980)
6-1 T20 5
Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School [72150], 1939-1940, 1946, 1949-1953, 1957, 1985, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- High School (grades 9-12)
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T20 6-8
[72200], 1938-1950, undated
6-1 T20 9
[72201], 1951-1952, 1957, 1960, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T20 10
[72202], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T20 11
[72203], 1970-1971, 1976, 1979, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 T21 1
[72203], 1970-1971, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 - -
Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis -- St. Francis Mission School -- see -- Individuals and Groups [73100]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Mixed
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T21 -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T21 2
[72300], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T21 3
[72301], 1914, 1918-1919, undated, (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T21 4
[72302], 1921, 1927, 1928, undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T21 5
[72303], 1931-1933, 1936-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T21 6-7
[72304], 1940-1942, 1944-1949, undated (ca. 1940-1951)
6-1 T21 8
[72305], 1952, 1954, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T22 1
[72306], 1962, 1963, 1965, undated (ca.1961-1969)
6-1 T22 2
[72307], 1970-1971, 1978, undated (ca. 1970-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Preschool
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T22 4
[72502], 1925, undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T22 5
[72503], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T22 6
[72504], 1945, 1947, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T22 7
[72505], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T22 8
[72506], 1969, undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T22 9
[72507], 1970-1972, 1977, 1979, 1980, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 - -
Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School [72550], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Kindergarten
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T22 10
[72601], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T22 11
[72602], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T22 12
[72603], 1938, 1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T22 13
[72604], 1941, 1944, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T22 14
[72605], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T22 15
[72606], 1965, 1968, undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T22 16
[72607], 1970-1973, 1975- 1977, 1979-1980, undated (ca. 1970-1980s)
6-1 - -
Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School [72650], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Primary Level (grades 1-3)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T22 17
[72701], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T22 18
[72702], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T22 19
[72703], 1939, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T22 20
[72704], 1944, 1946, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T22 21
[72705], 1955, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T22 22
[72706], 1964, 1966-1969, undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T22 23-24
[72707], 1971-1980, undated (ca. 1971-1980s)
6-1 T23 1
Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School [72750], 1953, 1957-1958, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Intermediate Level (grades 4-5)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T23 2
[72800], 1907,undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T23 3
[72801], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T23 4
[72802], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T23 5
[72803], 1937, 1939, 1940, (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T23 6
[72804], 1944-1945, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T23 7
[72805], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T23 8
[72806], 1966, 1968, 1969, undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T23 9
[72807], 1970-1980, undated (ca. 1971-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Middle Level (grades 6-8)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T23 11
[72900], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 T23 12
[72901], undated (ca. 1911-1920)
6-1 T23 13
[72902], undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 T23 14
[72903], 1932, 1938-1940, undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 T23 15
[72904], 1941, 1948-1949, undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T23 16
[72905], 1959, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T23 17
[72906], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T23 18
[72907], 1970-1972, 1976, and 1977,undated (ca. 1971-1980)
6-1 T23 19
Porcupine -- Our Lady of Lourdes School [72950], 1953, 1960, undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Students, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- High School (grades 9-12)
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T23 20-21
[73000], 1944-1947, undated, (ca. 1938-1950)
6-1 T24 1
[73001], 1951, 1958, 1959, undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T24 2-3
[73002], 1961-1964, undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 T24 4-6
[73003], 1971-1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 T25 1
Rosebud Reservation, St. Francis -- St. Francis Mission School -- Individuals and Groups [73100], 1917, 1932
6-1 T25 2
Individuals and Groups -- Elsewhere (various) [73200] -- South Dakota -- Rosebud Reservation, 1899; Standing Rock Reservation, Kenel School, 1886- 1890 and Dahe Mission School, 1901 [copy prints from other repositories]
6-1 T25 3
Individuals and Groups -- Unidentified/Unknown (various) [73201], undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- Students and Jesuits [71350], Student Groups [71906 to 72306], and Student Individuals [72503 to 73002]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 T25 4 Studying -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [73300], 1962, 1972 (ca. 1960-1970s)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Narrower Terms (Various Subjects), A-Z
6-1 - - Sun Dance
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T25 5
[73700], 1881-1883, 1928, 1940
6-1 T25 6
[73701], 1950, 1967, 1973, undated (ca. 1941-1980)
6-1 T25 7
Rosebud Reservation [73703], 1928
6-1 T25 8
Unidentified/Unknown [73704], 1929, 1968, undated (ca. 1900-1980)
6-1 T25 9
Elsewhere [73705] -- Montana -- Crow Reservation: Arapaho Indians, 1944, North Dakota -- Standing Rock Reservation, undated, Unidentified/Unknown, undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- Sun Dance [73701]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S, continued
6-1 - - Sweat Baths (Sweatbaths)
6-1 T25 10
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation [73800], 1967
6-1 T25 11
Elsewhere -- Montana -- Flathead Reservation [73802], 1944
6-1 - - Topics: T
6-1 T25 13 Tanning (Hides) South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation [74500], 1944, undated
6-1 T25 14 Tekakwitha Conference -- Catholic Church -- South Dakota -- Marvin -- Blue Cloud Abbey [75003], 1965
6-1 T25 15 Thrashing -- Unidentified/Unknown [75110], undated
6-1 - - Tipis (Teepees)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T25 16
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [75300], 1944, 1968, undated. (ca. 1920-1980s) [includes copy prints from other repositories]
6-1 T25 17
Elsewhere -- Washington (State) [75300], 1984, undated [includes copy prints from other repositories]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Indian Camps, under -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [28103], Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [28100], and Unidentified/Unknown [28105]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: T, continued
6-1 - - Track and Field -- Boys High School
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T25 18
[75799], 1940, 1964
6-1 T25 19
[75800], undated (ca. 1965-1970)
6-1 T25 20
[75801], undated (ca. 1971-1980)
6-1 - - Traditional Dress -- Dakota (Lakota) Indians
6-1 - -
Groups -- Men and Boys
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T25 21
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [76500], 1947, undated (ca. 1900-1950)
6-1 T25 22
General [76501], 1940, undated (ca. 1901-1950) [includes postcard in Lakota, postmarked 1910]
6-1 T25 24
Elsewhere [76503] -- Canada -- Alberta, undated (ca. 1920-1940), and Unidentified [76503], 1907, undated (ca. 1900-1940)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: T, continued
6-1 - - Traditional Dress -- Dakota (Lakota) Indians, continued
6-1 - -
Groups -- Women and Girls
6-1 T25 25
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [76511], 1935, 1938-1939, 1940, 1945, undated (ca. 1931-1950)
6-1 T25 26
Elsewhere -- North Dakota -- Standing Rock Reservation General [76516], undated (ca. 1890-1920)
6-1 T25 27
Unidentified/Unknown [76518], undated (ca. 1931-1950)
6-1 - -
Groups -- Mixed
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 T25 28
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [76521], undated (ca. 1931-1940)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: T, continued
6-1 - - Traditional Dress -- Dakota (Lakota) Indians, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Men and Boys
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T25 30
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [76600], 1938, 1944, 1957-1960, undated (ca. 1931-1960)
6-1 T25 31
General [76601], 1937, 1939, undated (ca. 1911-1950)
6-1 T25 32
Unidentified/Unknown [76609], undated (includes 1914 postmark)
6-1 - -
Individuals -- Women and Girls
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 T25 33
Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [76610], 1947, undated (ca. 1931-1950)
6-1 T25 34
General [76611], 1944, undated (ca. 1911-1950)
6-1 T25 35
Unidentified/Unknown [76615], undated (ca. 1911-1930)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Indians [23300 to 23330], Indian Dancers [28500 to 28505], Indian Dances [28400 to 28403]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: T, continued
6-1 - - Traditional Dress -- Not Dakota (Lakota) Indians, -- General and Unidentified/Unknown
6-1 T25 36
Groups -- Women and Girls [76529], undated [copy print from other repository]
6-1 T25 37
Individuals -- Men and Boys [76625], undated (ca. 1910-1960) [copy print from other repository]
6-1 T25 38
Individuals -- Women and Girls [76629], undated (ca. 1910-1960) [includes copy print from other repository]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files -- Indians [23300 to 23330], Indian Dancers [28500 to 28505], Indian Dances [28400 to 28403]
6-1 T25 39 Trans-Mississippi Exposition
6-1 - - Travel (Trips)
6-1 T25 40
South Dakota [76800], 1931, 1946-1947, 1949, 1951, 1963, undated (1931-1980)
6-1 T25 41
Elsewhere -- Washington State, Wyoming, and Unidentified/Unknown [76825], 1924, 1930, 1931, undated (1930-1940s)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: Various Places, A-Z, e.g. South Dakota -- Bad Lands, Black Hills, Wyoming -- Yellowstone National Park

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: T, continued
6-1 T25 42 Tribal Government -- North Dakota -- Fort Yates, Standing Rock Reservation [76750], 1880s [copy prints from other repositories]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Biographical Files: Various Individuals, A-Z, Topical Files: Ceremonies (Rites) [9300], Government Relations [23300 to 23330], Indian Reservation Police [29050], and Oglala Sioux Tribal Government [57000], and Topical Files: Oversize, Oglala Sioux Tribe [57000]
6-1 T25 43 Typing Class -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School[77000], 1945-1947, 1954, 1966, undated (ca. 1940-1970)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- Typing Class -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [77000]
6-1 - - Topics: U
6-1 - - United States Indian Schools
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 T25 44
Pine Ridge Reservation [77500], 1927, 1940 [includes copy print from other repository]
6-1 T25 45
Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota [77550], 1898 [copy prints from other repository]
6-1 T25 46
Elsewhere [77600] -- Kansas, Lawrence -- Haskell Institute, undated [copy print from other repository]
6-1 - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- United States Indian Schools [77500]
- - - Ursulines -- see -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Sisters (Nuns) -- Ursulines [68670]

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: V
6-1 T26 1 Vehicles [78100] -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General, 1891, 1920s-1930s, 1931, 1937, undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Horse-drawn Vehicles [26870 to 26875]
6-1 T26 2 Vision Quests -- Unidentified/Unknown [copy print from other repository] [78500]
6-1 T26 3 Vacation School -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [78900], 1938
6-1 - - Volleyball -- Girls High School (grades 9-12)
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T26 4
[79602], undated (ca. 1941-1950)
6-1 T26 5
[79603], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 T26 6
[79604], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T26 7
[79605], undated (ca. 1971-1980)
6-1 - - Volunteers
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T26 8
[80006], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 T26 9
[80007], undated (ca. 1971-1980)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: W
6-1 T26 10 War Bonnets [82300] -- South Dakota -- General and Unidentified/Unknown, 1951
6-1 - - Wars
6-1 T26 11
Wyoming -- Wagon Box Fight [82350], undated (1867?), and Unidentified/Unknown [82355], undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre [83500 to 83501]
6-1 T26 12 Washing -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [82400], 1964-1966, 1970, 1964-1971, undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Oversize -- Washing -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [82400]
6-1 T26 13 Weaving [82600] -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, 1939-1940, 1945, 1949, undated
6-1 - - Weddings -- Catholic Church
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 T26 14
[82701], 1937-1938, undated (ca. 1921-1940)
6-1 T26 15
[82702], 1945-1947, 1948, 1955, undated (ca. 1941-1960)
6-1 T26 17
Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [82700], undated (ca. 1888-1920)
6-1 T26 18
Unidentified/Unknown [82703], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: W, continued
6-1 T26 19 Wells -- South Dakota -- Lower Brule Reservation, undated
6-1 - - Wild West Shows
6-1 T26 20
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation [83000], undated
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Circus Sarrasani (Wild West Show) [11450], and Topical Files: Oversize -- Buffalo Bill's Wild West [06800]
6-1 - - Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Wounded Knee
6-1 T26 21-22
[83500], 1890-1891 [copy prints from other repositories]
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Geographical Files: South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Wounded Knee -- Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre Site [83600] and Monument [83525], and Topical Files: Oversize -- Maps [52807 to 52810] and Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre [83500]
6-1 T26 23
Memorial Ceremonies [83400], 1971
6-1 - - Wounded Knee 1973 Indian Occupation -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Wounded Knee
6-1 T26 24-25
[83700], 1973 [copy prints from other repositories]
6-1 T26 26
[83800] Aftermath, 1973
6-1 T26 27 Wrestling -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [84002], 1961-1980

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: Y
6-1 T26   Yearbook Collages -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [90000], undated
6-1 - - Topics: Oversize
6-1 TO1 1
Art Class -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [2200],
6-1 - -
Basketball -- Boys High School (grades 9-12) -- General
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 TO1 2
[04600], undated (ca. 1925-1940)
- - -
See also -- Series 6-1, B & W Prints-Topical Files: Extreme Oversize -- Buffalo Bill's Wild West Company (Wild West Show) [06800]
6-1 TO1 3
Building (Construction) -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [07000], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: C-D (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Catholic Sioux Congress
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 TO1 4
[08700], 1910, undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 TO1 5
Cheerleading -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [09701], undated (ca. 1941-1960)
6-1 TO1 6
Chores -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission [10400], undated (ca. 1920-1970)
6-1 TO1 7
Cooking/ Cookery -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [12600], undated (ca. 1920s-1940s)
6-1 TO1 8
Crafts and Dressmaking -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [13300], undated (ca. 1930-1970s)
6-1 TO1 9
Dances -- Couples -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [14903], undated (ca. 1961-1980)
6-1 TO1 10
Dinners and Dining (+ Banquets) -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [15310], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: F-I (Oversize), continued
6-1 TO1 11
Faculty -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School -- Lay -- Group Portraits with Pupils [18375], undated
6-1 - -
Families -- Parents with Children
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General
6-1 TO1 12
[18800], undated (ca. 1888-1920)
6-1 TO1 13
[18802], undated (ca. 1941-1960)
6-1 TO2 1
Indian Agents -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Agency [59700], undated (ca. 1878-1886) = return folder here
6-1 TO2 2
Indian Peace Medals (Peace Awards) [29000], undated

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: I (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Indians -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation
6-1 - -
Groups -- Men and Boys, Women and Girls, and/or Mixed
6-1 TO2 3
[28700], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 TO2 4
[28702], 1926, undated (ca. 1921-1930)
6-1 TO2 5
[28705], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 TO2 6
[28706], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 TO2 7
Unidentified Individuals -- Men and Boys, Women and Girls [29303], undated (ca. 1931-1940)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: J (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Jesuits -- All Priests or Priests, Brothers and/or Scholastics (Include non-Jesuit Priests and Bishops) -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 TO2 8
[39100], undated (ca. 1888-1920)
6-1 TO2 9
[39102], 1947-1948, undated (ca. 1941-1960)
6-1 TO2 10
[39103], undated (ca. 1961-1980)
6-1 - -
6-1 TO2 11
South Dakota and North Dakota -- Standing Rock Reservation -- General [52807], 1895
6-1 TO2 12
South Dakota -- Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre [52810], 1895
6-1 TO2 13
Oglala Sioux Tribal Government -- 50th Anniversary Celebration -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge [57000], 1986
6-1 TO2 14
Pipe Ceremony (Calumets)-- Unidentified/Unknown [60000], undated
6-1 TO2 15
Powwows (Wacipi) -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [60900], 1982, 1983, and 1985

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: R-S (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Recreational Activities
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 - -
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 - -
6-1 TO2 16
Boys [63706], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 TO2 17
Girls [63806], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 TO2 18
Mixed [63906], undated (ca. 1961-1970)
6-1 TO2 19
Science Class and Lab -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [67700]
6-1 - -
Sisters (Nuns) -- Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity -- Groups
6-1 - -
South Dakota
6-1 TO2 20
Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/ Red Cloud Indian School [68502], 1947-1948, undated (ca. 1947-1948)
6-1 TO2 21
Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [68503], 1981

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School
6-1 TO3 1
Students and Jesuits [71350], 1905, 1963
6-1 - -
Student Groups
6-1 TO3 2
Primary Level (grades 1-3) [71906], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 TO3 3
Intermediate Level (grades 4-5) [72006], 1961-1969)
6-1 - -
Middle Level (grades 6-8)
6-1 TO3 4
[72103], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 TO3 5
[72106], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 - -
High School (grades 9-12)
6-1 TO3 6
[72200], undated (ca. 1938-1950)
6-1 TO3 7
[72201], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 TO3 8
[72202], undated (ca. 1961-1970)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Students, continued
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, continued
6-1 - -
Student Groups, continued
6-1 TO3  
6-1 TO3 9
[72300], undated (ca. 1888-1910)
6-1 TO3 10
[72303], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 TO3 11
[72306], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 - -
6-1 TO3 -
6-1 TO3 12
[72503], undated (ca. 1931-1940)
6-1 TO3 13
[72506], undated (ca. 1961-1969)

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y & Oversize

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S (Oversize), continued
6-1 - -
Students, continued
6-1 - -
South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School, continued
6-1 - -
Individuals, continued
6-1 TO3 -
6-1 TO3 14
[72606], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 TO3 15
[72607], 1977, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 TO3 -
Primary Level (grades 1-3)
6-1 TO3 16
[72706], 1965,undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 TO3 17
[72707], 1978, undated (ca. 1970-1980)
6-1 TO3 -
Intermediate Level (grades 4-5)
6-1 TO3 18
[72805], undated (ca. 1951-1960)
6-1 TO3 19
[72806], undated (ca. 1961-1969)
6-1 TO3 20
High School (grades 9-12) [73002], 1961-1969; [73003], 1980

Series 6-1
B & W Prints-Topical, N-Y (Oversize)

Series Box Folder Folder Title
6-1 - - Topics: S (Oversize), continued
6-1 TO3 21
Sun Dance -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation -- General [73701], undated (1960s), undated
6-1 TO3 22
Typing -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [77000], undated (ca. 1940-1970)
6-1 TO3 23
United States Indian Schools -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Oglala Community School [77500], 1891
6-1 TO3 24
Washing -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Pine Ridge -- Holy Rosary Mission/Red Cloud Indian School [82400], undated
6-1 TO3 25
Wounded Knee 1890 Massacre -- South Dakota -- Pine Ridge Reservation, Wounded Knee -- General [83500], 1891
6-1 - - Topics: B (Extreme Oversize)
6-1 AO5 -
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Company (Wild West Show) [06800], 1908 -- transferred to series 6-1, box AO5