Mobile Device Security Initiative

About the Mobile Device Security Initiative

Mobile devices, both Marquette-owned and personally owned cell phones and tablets, may access university and academic data from Marquette. If compromised, stolen, or lost, these devices can threaten data security and privacy. To address this risk, IT Services is planning to implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) for university-owned devices and Mobile Application Management (MAM) for personal devices.

MDM and MAM are technologies that allow IT Services to remotely secure mobile devices and applications that access university data. MDM and MAM can help protect university data from unauthorized access, malware, and data breaches. They can also help users locate, lock, or remove university data from their devices in case of loss or theft.


Please review the FAQ and Myth vs. Reality sections. If you have additional questions, complete the MDM/MAM feedback form. If prompted, enter your Marquette email address and password to access the form.


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Why are we doing this?

Marquette is proactively implementing security measures to better protect Marquette data on mobile phones and tablets. Higher education institutions have seen a dramatic increase in cybersecurity threats since 2020.

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

MDM is a set of tools for securing devices and data. Specifically at Marquette, MDM is intended for Marquette-owned devices to secure university data and to manage the device (e.g., updates, security settings, factory resetting a stolen device).

What is Mobile Application Management (MAM)?

MAM is one tool in the MDM toolset. Specifically at Marquette, MAM will secure university data within one or more protected apps on personally owned cell phones and tablets.

When will I need to install MAM on my personal device?

ITS does not have a timeline yet. We are having meetings with different groups across campus to explain the process and answer questions about the technology.

What will Marquette be able to do and see on my Marquette-owned device (with MDM) or if I have a MAM-protected application on a personally owned device?

Capability Marquette-Owned Devices (uses MDM) Personally Owned Devices (uses MAM)
View model, serial number and operating system   Yes Yes
Identify device name  Yes Yes
View name of installed core Marquette Microsoft (Office) 365 apps Yes Yes
View browsing history No No
Provide permissions for the core Marquette Microsoft 365 apps to leverage camera, microphone and location for calls, meetings, etc. (Note: Marquette does not have access to view or listen to you via your camera or microphone.) No for Apple devices, but yes for Android devices  No for Apple devices, but yes for Android devices 
Reset lost or stolen device to factory settings Yes No
Remove Marquette data Yes Yes
See phone number Yes No for Apple devices, but yes for Android devices (last four digits)
See all installed app names Yes (but not content) No
See location of devices marked as lost Yes No
See device owner name Yes No for Apple devices, but yes for Android devices
View personal email, calendar, contacts, pictures, passwords, text messages, and call history No No

What mobile apps will be protected?

MAM-protected apps include Microsoft Edge, Office (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Loop, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, SharePoint, Teams, To Do, and Planner.

To continue accessing university data from a personally owned device, what do I need to install on my phone or tablet?

I don’t currently use Outlook on my mobile device. Will I be able to continue using a third-party mail app (e.g., Apple Mail, Gmail)?

No, not for Marquette email. The Outlook app will be the only permitted app for accessing Marquette email and calendar. You may continue using a native or third-party email app for personal or non-Marquette related email accounts.

If I have a personal email account and use the Outlook app, will Marquette have access to my personal email?

No, Marquette email accounts and personal email accounts remain separate.

My Marquette email is forwarded to my personal email account. Is my personal email now visible to Marquette?

No, forwarding Marquette email to a personal email address does not make any personal email visible.

If I access my time clock, CheckMarq, or any other Marquette website from my phone, will I need to have MAM on my personally owned phone?

No, access to these websites remains available without MAM.

Will I have MAM on my personal phone if I don't have the Marquette Outlook account, OneDrive, or any of the other Marquette Microsoft 365 apps on my phone?

No, MAM is only needed when one of the protected applications is installed.

Which mobile devices will have MDM?

University-owned mobile devices will be issued with MDM installed. MDM is not required for personally owned devices.


Myth vs. Reality

Myth: Marquette was subject to a major data breach, and severe financial penalties were imposed upon Marquette.


Marquette has not been subject to a major data breach.

Myth: IT Services can see your personal photos, browsing history, email, and/or texts.


IT Services cannot see your personal data on your cell phone or tablet.

Myth: I’ll be required to install Mobile Application Management (MAM) on my personal device.


One only needs MAM if you want to connect to Office 365 data sources from your cell phone or tablet.

Myth: IT Services is requiring full Mobile Device Management (MDM) on my personal device.


IT Services is using Mobile Application Management (MAM) software for personal devices (i.e., “Bring Your Own Device,” or BYOD). MAM only manages the data in applications like Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive and does not give IT Services full control over your device.

Myth: Marquette can automatically install MDM on my personally owned phone without my knowledge.


Marquette cannot automatically install MDM on any existing device.

Myth: MDM and MAM will keep data backups of mobile devices.


Neither MDM nor MAM will back up data on mobile devices.