Sigma Iota Rho: Membership Eligibility & Benefits

Gold honor cord2023-2024 OFFICERS:

With 183 chapters around the world, Sigma Iota Rho works to recognize the academic achievements of those pursuing coursework, and contributing to the field, of international affairs. “The purpose of Sigma Iota Rho shall be to promote and reward scholarship and service among students and practitioners of international studies, international affairs, and global studies and to foster integrity and creative performance in the conduct of world affairs.” SIR members are competitive candidates for the many fellowships and internships that the national SIR office promotes on its webpage and LinkedIn page. Honorary Inductees into SIR include such distinguished individuals as former Secretary of State Colin Powell.


THE JOURNAL: The Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations has a circulation of 3,000 copies, which are distributed to over 190 undergraduate international relations programs and APSIA graduate international relations schools. Each edition includes a featured article by a leading voice in international relations; previous headliners include: 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama; former Vice President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden; 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush; former Secretary of State of the United States of America, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger; former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright & former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley; former Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy; former Director-General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan; President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass; and former President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick.



Adjunct Membership (no membership fee yet)

Undergraduate Membership ($55 membership fee)

Graduate Membership ($55 membership fee)

Faculty Membership ($55 membership fee)

Faculty membership is an important guiding and directional force in the life of the SIR chapter.  Any interested member of the faculty involved in the teaching of courses giving credit in International Relations may be elected to faculty membership by the local chapter, subject to approval by the national office. Faculty members shall possess all the privileges of membership except for voting and holding office in local chapter.

Honorary Induction (no fee)

Any person of recognized ability and achievement in the field of international relations, or who made an outstanding contribution to Sigma Iota Rho may be elected to become an honorary member. No more than two such members may be elected in any one academic year. Honorary members shall possess all the privileges of active membership except that of being an officer or council member of the corporation.