Core Courses Spring 2025

Courses Required for Core Honors First-Years:    

CORE 1929H Core Honors Methods of Inquiry

A 3 credit course taken either in fall or spring of the first year. Satisfies MCC Foundations in Methods of Inquiry requirement.

CORE 1929H 901 TTh 12:30 - 1:20pm     
CORE 1929H 961 Th  4 - 4:50pm
Erik Ugland and Bob Wheeler

CORE 1929H 902  MWF 11 - 11:50am     
Amelia Zurcher & Sam Harshner

HOPR 1955H Core Honors First-Year Seminar

Taken either fall or spring of the first year. Satisfies the MCC Foundations in Rhetoric requirement.

HOPR 1955H 901: Melissa Ganz, English
TTh 11 - 12:15pm

HOPR 1955H 902: Melissa Ganz, English
TTh 2 - 3:15pm 

HOPR 1955H 903: Danielle Koepke, English
TTh 12:30 - 1:45pm   

HOPR 1955H 904: Sebastian Bitticks, English
MWF 12 - 12:50pm

HOPR 1955H 905: Sebastian Bitticks, English
MWF 1 - 1:50pm         

HOPR 1955H 906: Grant Gosizk, English
MWF 9 - 9:50am       

HOPR 1955H 907: Grant Gosizk, English
MWF 10 - 10:50am   

HOPR 1955H 908: Michael Wert, History
MWF 11 -11:50 am   


THEO 1001H - Honors Foundations in Theology: Finding God in All Things

Taken either fall or spring of the first year. Satisfies the MCC Foundations in Theology requirement.

THEO 1001H 901 MWF 10 - 10:50am David Stosur

THEO 1001H 902 MWF 11 - 11:50am David Stosur

THEO 1001H 903 TTh 11 - 12:15pm Jennifer Henery

THEO 1001H 904 TTh 12:30 - 1:45pm Jennifer Henery

THEO 1001H 905  TTh 9:30-10:45am Jennifer Henery

THEO 1001H 906  TTh 8 - 9:15 am Jennifer Henery

Courses Required for Core Honors Sophomores:

HOPR 2956H - Honors Engaging Social Systems and Values 1: Engaging the City

HOPR 2956H, mandatory for all Core Honors students (other ESSV1 classes do not satisfy the Core Honors ESSV1 requirement), focuses on the challenges and the opportunities of American cities, particularly our home city of Milwaukee. All sections emphasize community-engaged learning.

HOPR 2956H 901 TTH 2 - 3:15pm Danielle Koepke, English

HOPR 2956H 902 MWF 10 - 10:50am Sam Harshner, History

HOPR 2956H 903 MWF 1 - 1:50pm Sam Harshner, History

HOPR 2956H 904 TTh 3:30 - 4:45pm Erin Hastings, Social and Cult Sciences

HOPR 2956H 905   TTh 9:30 - 10:45am Adam Peterson, History

Courses Required for Core Honors Seniors:

CORE 4929H - Honors Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice

CORE 4929H 901 MWF 9 - 9:50am Michael Olson, Philosophy

CORE 4929H 902 TTh 11 - 12:15pm Desiree Valentine, Philosophy

CORE 4929H 903 MWF 1 - 1:50pm Jonathan Metz, Theology

CORE 4929H 904 MWF 10 - 10:50am Jonathan Metz, Theology

CORE 4929H 905 MWF 11 - 11:50am Jonathan Metz, Theology

CORE 4929H 906 MW 3:30 - 4:45pm  Abram Capone             

Honors Electives for all Core Honors Students:

BIOL 1002H - Honors General Biology 2

CHEM 1002H - Honors General Chemistry 2

*CHEM 1014H - Honors General Chemistry 2 for Majors

Educational Preparedness Program (EPP) Courses*

*These courses are not officially honors sections, but honors student who enroll will receive honors elective credit. Additionally, since these are specially designated course there are a few things to note:

*All students must apply via an application to take a course in the EPP program and if accepted, they will give you a permission number to enroll in the course.

*Applications will be live in mid-October.

*EPP contact person Alexandra Gambacorta

ENGL 4442 101 Literature from the Constitution to the Civil War
TTh from 3:30-4:45 Sara Wadsworth, English

ENGL 4230 Writing Center Theory, Practice and Research*

ENGL 4351 - Milton*

HEAL 1025H - Honors Culture and Health

HEAL 4901H Honors Interdisciplinary Pallative Care*

HIST 4298 - The Cold War*

HIST 4931 - Topics in History Civil Rights Pilgrimage*

MATH 1700H/PSYC 1700H - Honors Modern Elementary Statistics

MUSI 1120H Honors Liturgical Choir^

MUSI 1160 Gospel Choir^

PHIL 1001H - Honors Foundations in Philosophy

PHYS 1004H – Honors General Physics with Introductory Calculus 2

PHYS 1014H – Honors Classical and Modern Physics with Calculus 2  

POSC 2601 – International Politics*

THEO 2240H Honors Prayer and Mystical Experience          

THEO 4300H Honors The Question of God in a Secular Age            

Permission Numbers and Waitlists for Honors Courses

Please use this form to request a permission number for ENGL 4130, ENGL 4351, HIST 4298, POSC 2601 or CHEM 1014H.

Please use this form to get on a waitlist for CORE 1929H, CORE 4929H, or HOPR 2956H.

For requests for non-Honors courses, please contact the course department.

 Courses Fall 2025
Archived Core Honors Courses