Kinesiology of the Hip: Integrating Structure with Function

By Donald A. Neumann, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Professor, Physical Therapy Department
Marquette University
Author of Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Physical Rehabilitation, Elsevier

Course Description

The rehabilitation and medical management of the hip region has experienced significant advances over the last several years. This 6 hour and 15 minute video is designed to present and review the kinesiologic foundations for evaluating and treating the hip. The course presents the many structural and functional musculoskeletal relationships that exist within and between the hip and surrounding regions. These relationships will be described for the healthy state as well as the hip with pathology. The material will be useful for a broad range of clinicians, from the hip specialist to those who only infrequently treat persons with hip problems, or for clinicians who focus on pediatrics, geriatrics, or the many subgroups of patients who fall between these populations.

The video highlights lectures and demonstrations by Dr. Donald Neumann and represents a summation of his 40 years of teachings, study, practice, and writings on this area of the body. Dr Neumann has lectured and written extensively on this topic, including his internationally acclaimed kinesiology textbook, a chapter on the Hip published in British Gray’s Anatomy, and several well-respected journal articles and book chapters. His lectures are enhanced by over 100 original kinesiologic illustrations and several unique teaching models and dissection videos. Each illustration clearly describes the anatomic and mechanical basis for movement and control between the femur, pelvis, and lumbar spine, providing the basis many evaluation and treatment approaches.

Intended Audience

This course is specially designed for any medical, health, or sports-related professional who evaluates and treats movement dysfunctions of the hip and associated lumbar region. Abnormal or painful movement conditions may be of neurologic or musculoskeletal origin.

Course Objectives

After the presentation, participants shall be able to:

  1. Cite the major muscular drive for all motions of the hip, from both an open- and a closed-chain perspective.
  2. Understand the role of the ligaments and capsule of the hip in providing stability to the joint.
  3. Relate movements at the hip to natural movements at the lumbar spine.
  4. Describe the kinesiologic synergies that exist between the muscles of the hip and trunk, and how they provide normal and optimal function.
  5. Understand the clinical implications of the hip abductor muscles in generating forces and stability at the hip.
  6. Understand the biomechanical reasoning behind many principles of hip joint protection.
  7. Describe how the morphology of the acetabulum and proximal femur can affect the mechanical stress and stability of the hip.
  8. Relate the posture of the hip to the metabolic efficiency of standing and walking.
  9. Provide several examples and clinical ramifications of how the leverage and actions of certain muscles are influenced by the position of the joint.
  10. Describe the general innervation to the muscles and connective tissues of the hip.

Continuing Education Credit

6 Ceu's will be awarded by Marquette University following successful completion of an online quiz.


Donald Neumann

Donald A. Neumann, Ph.D., P.T., FAPTA Dr. Neumann received a B.S. in physical therapy from the University of Florida. After several years of practice and teaching in rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord injury, he received a Ph.D. in Exercise Science from the University of Iowa. In 1986, he joined Marquette University where he is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physical Therapy. Don has received multiple awards from the American Physical Therapy Association that have recognized his teaching, writing, and research efforts, including being named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the APTA in 2008. Dr. Neumann received a Teacher of the Year Award at Marquette University, and was named Wisconsin’s College Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation. In 2015, he was awarded the Educational Service Award by the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT). Dr. Neumann has received Fulbright Scholarships to teach in Lithuania, Hungary, and Japan and Ireland. He also lectured extensively throughout Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States. He is the author of Human Kinesiology: Foundations for Rehabilitation, published by Elsevier, 2017, and co-author of Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant (2019, Elsevier). Dr. Neumann also authored a chapter on the Hip, published in the 41st and 42 editions of British Gray’s Anatomy. Donald served as an Associate Editor of JOSPT from 2002-2015.