Welcome to the Summer 2016 edition of the College of Health Sciences e-newsletter. This summer marks the 20th anniversary of the College of Health Sciences, and I'm pleased to share that our faculty and alumni continue to garner recognition for their work, for the college and for Marquette.
Dr. Paul Gasser, associate professor of biomedical sciences, received Marquette's highest teaching honor, the Raynor Teaching Excellence Award. This well-deserved award is bestowed on educators at Marquette who demonstrate excellence as teacher-scholars.
Drs. Murray Blackmore and Robert Peoples also received awards from Marquette. Dr. Blackmore received the Way Klingler Young Scholar Award, and Dr. Peoples received the Way Klingler Fellowship. Each award includes a monetary component that can be used to further research.
Dr. Shital Chauhan Vora, an almuna of both biomedical sciences and the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, recieved the Spirit of Marquette alumni award. This is the first all-university alumni award bestowed upon an alumnus of the College of Health Sciences. Dr. Vora is a co-founder of Global Brigades, the world's largest student-led humanitarian organization, which she began as a student in the college in 2003.
We also honored three additonal alumni: Dr. Paul F. Reuteman, Ms. Janice Robinson Moreland and Dr. Amy E. Liepert. The three received awards from the college at a brunch ceremony during National Alumni Awards Weekend.
Finally, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the college, I'm pleased to share the latest edition of the College of Health Sciences magazine. This issue of the magazine includes a number of articles about every program in the college, as well as a 12-page feature on the college's history. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did creating it.
For more information on upcoming events, or to remain current on news in the College of Health Sciences, please visit our website, join us on Facebook, read stories from the college on our newly launched Medium and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. As always, I invite your feedback on our college at any time at: william.cullinan@marquette.edu
William E. Cullinan, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Health Sciences
Marquette University
Coming up
Continuing Education
Gross Dissection and Kinesiology - July 13-16
This course consists of an intensive four-day anatomical dissection and kinesiological review. Even-year summers focus on the lower extremity and odd-year summers focus on the upper extremity. The primary purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with a solid anatomical and kinesiologic basis for understanding normal and abnormal function of the musculoskeletal system. This information is essential for the development of effective treatment programs.
Information about the course
Neuroanatomical Dissection Course: Human Brain and Spinal Cord - July 21-23
This course consists of an exciting three-day anatomical dissection of the brain and spinal cord, as well as a compelling review of recent advances in functional neuroscience. Participants will work in groups and be allotted three afternoons to perform regional dissections on embalmed human cadaveric material. The faculty consists of neuroscientists and clinicians qualified and experienced as neuroanatomical instructors. Faculty members guide 12 hours of dissection in the afternoons. These sessions are complemented by three morning lecture sessions enriched by slide, video, computer animation and microscopic presentations.
Information about the course
Edema Management for Orthopedic Conditions - July 29
Whether from trauma, surgery or orthopedic issues, edema can limit function and can be difficult to resolve. Applied to orthopedic conditions, the lymphedema management techniques of manual lymphatic drainage, a gentle manual technique for edema mobilization, basic lymphedema bandaging, and kinesiotape can facilitate healing and improve function. This four hour course lecture and lab will give clinicians tools to better treat edema of an orthopedic origin.
Information about the course